“Businesses and Licensure” will be the theme from noon-1 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 20, when Montgomery County’s COVID-19 Economic Revitalization and Recovery program continues its series of virtual town hall meetings to keep businesses informed on strategies for doing business as the health crisis continues.
County Executive Marc Elrich initiated the series of town halls held every other Friday to share timely updates on COVID-19 topics of interest to the business community. The town halls give businesses an opportunity to hear directly from County leaders. Jerome Fletcher, the County’s assistant chief administrative officer (ACAO) for economic development, hosts the sessions. He also provides updates on grant programs available to County businesses and offers ideas that can help economic recovery.
During the Aug.20 town hall, ACAO Fletcher will talk with Clark Beil, a senior administrator in the County’s Department of Health and Human Services. Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Beil will discuss how the Office of Licensure and Regulatory Services has changed since the start of the COVID-19 health crisis. In addition, ACAO Fletcher will address updates on the County COVID-19 vaccination efforts and economic recovery from the health crisis with County Health Officer Travis Gayles and Acting ACAO Earl Stoddard.
If business owners, employees or residents have questions they would like to see addressed at the Aug. 20 town hall, they can be submitted by Wednesday, Aug.18 to BizPortal@MontgomeryCountyMD.gov.
“In addition to discussing the changes at HHS, specifically the Office of Licensure and Regulatory Services, we want to hear your ideas for town halls as we move forward,” said ACAO Fletcher. “We are evaluating the future format of these meetings, and we look forward to hearing from you on Aug. 20.”
To join the broadcast, go to https://zoom.us/j/98584224354?pwd=ekdBd05kT08zRmxCekQzajkwdW9LZz09
The webinar ID is 985 8422 4354. The passcode is 057204. Spanish interpretation is available.
The town hall will be broadcast on County Cable Montgomery (cable station CCM), which is available on Comcast and RCN (channels 6 and HD996) and Verizon (channel 30). The town hall can be viewed live via County social media at https://www.facebook.com/montgomerycountyinfo.
Town halls are recorded and available through the Montgomery County Business Portal at https://montgomerycountymd.gov/Biz-Resources/covid19/4BizNews.html