Dalewood Drive Neighborhood Park is located between Brightview Street and Veirs Mill Road on Dalewood Drive in Wheaton.
Approximately 1.5 acres, Dalewood Drive Neighborhood Park is surrounded by single-family residential homes and a Verizon switching station to the west. The park is owned by Montgomery County and includes a large storm sewer right-of-way within its borders. The popular existing playground is accessed off Dalewood Drive.
During the meeting, park designers will discuss plans to renovate the existing park to improve the playground and accessibility and add a picnic seating area.
Registration for the meeting is optional but encouraged so attendees can be updated on future developments in the project. Register by completing this form.
To join the meeting via Zoom, go to https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87809853141.
To learn more about the proposed improvements at Dalewood Drive Neighborhood Park, visit the project page.