June 20, 2024

‘The Full Spectrum: Uncovering LGBTQ+ Heritage in Montgomery County’ Will Be Presented by Montgomery History Starting Monday, June 24

‘The Full Spectrum: Uncovering LGBTQ+ Heritage in Montgomery County’ Will Be Presented by Montgomery History Starting Monday, June 24

With Washington, D.C., and Baltimore nearby, the history of Montgomery County’s LGBTQ+ community has often been overshadowed. Building on Emma Satterfield’s online exhibit with Montgomery History, the organization will present “The Full Spectrum: Uncovering LGBTQ+ Heritage in Montgomery County” in a free online event available for one week starting Monday, June 24.

Ms. Satterfield will lead the presentation that seeks to shed light on the struggles and achievements of the County’s LGBTQ+ residents during the late 20th Century. She will delve into the exhibit development process and discuss the importance of preserving local LGBTQ+ history and sharing it with the public.

The presentation can be viewed at History Conversations (montgomeryhistory.org).

“The Full Spectrum” originated at the Spring 2023 Montgomery County History Conference.