September 18, 2024

‘Active Aging Week’ Celebration Will Have Free Programs for Individuals 50 and Over from Monday, Sept. 30, Through Sunday, Oct. 7

‘Active Aging Week’ Celebration Will Have Free Programs for Individuals 50 and Over from Monday, Sept. 30, Through Sunday, Oct. 7

Montgomery County will join in the celebration of “Active Aging Week” (AAW) from Monday, Sept. 30, through Sunday, Oct. 6, as part of an international effort to highlight the benefits of maintaining healthy, active lifestyles—physically, mentally and socially—for older adults. During the week, various free programs, events and activities for residents 50 and over will take place throughout the County.

“Active Aging Week is a reminder that staying active—physically, mentally and socially—is key to a healthy and fulfilling life at any age,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “Montgomery County is committed to supporting our older adults with programs that encourage movement, creativity and connection. I encourage our older residents to participate in Active Aging Week events and activities.”

County departments and agencies, including Health and Human Services, Environmental Protection, Recreation, Montgomery Parks and Public Libraries, are co-sponsoring the events in partnership with local community organizations, nonprofits and hospitals.

A full calendar of events, including dates, times and locations, is available on the County’s website.

Montgomery County’s AAW was recognized with a National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award in 2022.