June 10, 2016

County Works to Ease Impact of SafeTrack

SafeTrack is Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) year-long effort to improve the safety and reliability of the Metrorail system. Three planned line segment repairs and around-the-clock single tracking projects, referred to as “Safety Surges,” will affect WMATA’s Red Line service in Montgomery County.

WMATA’s first Surge (Surge 6), in the County, begins August 1. WMATA has committed 40 buses to enhance service in surge areas. Responding to a request from the County’s Department of Transportation (MCDOT), MARC will add cars to existing trains during peak periods. Capital Bikeshare will offer a $2 one-time use option. MCDOT is coordinating with WMATA, MTA, MDOT and Capital Bikeshare to assist travelers as they continue to work on their service plans for later Surges.

By keeping up to 17 recently replaced buses in service, MCDOT will both provide additional Ride On service on certain bus routes and free bus shuttles between affected Metrorail stations. Ride On will provide on-street ambassadors at affected Metrorail stations to help direct travelers to transit options.

For more information about impact, please refer to the SafeTrack plan or check brochure in Spanish and other languages (pdf). Read more about MCDOT's plans here.