However, the Metro staff budget proposal for fiscal year 2019 does NOT include the elimination of Grosvenor Metrorail Station turnbacks. The Montgomery County Department of Transportation encourages the public to provide input to Metro about the importance of eliminating these turnbacks to extend consistent service through to Shady Grove by:
Testifying at a public hearing, scheduled for Wednesday, January 31 at 6 p.m. (open house begins at 5:30 p.m.) at Metro Headquarters, 600 5th Street NW, Washington DC 20001; or
Providing written testimony by mail or through WMATA’s website by Monday, February 5 at 5 p.m.
The Metrorail turnbacks at the Grosvenor Station negatively impact ridership to White Flint, Twinbrook, Rockville and Shady Grove and reduce the frequency of trains beyond Grosvenor during peak periods to about one train every eight minutes.
County Executive Ike Leggett sent a letter requesting elimination of the turnbacks to WMATA General Manager and Chief Executive Officer Paul Wiedefeld last fall.
Additional information about the public hearing is available here.