December 10, 2019

Montgomery County Council Elects Sidney Katz as President, Tom Hucker as Vice President

The Montgomery County Council unanimously elected Councilmember Sidney Katz as president and Councilmember Tom Hucker as vice president of the Council on Tuesday, Dec. 3. Each will serve one-year terms as officers of the Council. Katz just completed a one-year term as Council vice president.

Council President Katz’s priorities for the year include: continuing to make Montgomery County more business friendly; generating employment opportunities that bring well-paying jobs to the County; continuing to support Montgomery County Public Schools, so that students receive the best education possible; and supporting efforts to expand multimodal transportation solutions. He also noted that he wants to accomplish these goals while focusing on the need to reduce the County’s debt.

Hucker serves as chair of the Council’s Transportation and Environment Committee and as a member of the Public Safety Committee. Hucker was elected to the Council in 2014 and represents District 5, which includes the southeast and eastern portion of the County generally surrounding U.S. Route 29, including Briggs Chaney, Burnt Mills, Burtonsville, Calverton, Cloverly, Colesville, Fairland, Four Corners, Hillandale, Lyttonsville, Silver Spring, Takoma Park and White Oak.

More information on the newly elected officers is available here.