August 4, 2021

Highlight of RISE Summer Program: Student Gets to Interview County Executive Elrich

Summer programs for students often have wide variations of experiences. One highlight for a student in the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Summer RISE program was an opportunity to interview County Executive Marc Elrich in a video that will be widely viewed.

Summer RISE is an initiative led by the MCPS Partnerships Unit in collaboration with businesses, government agencies, higher education institutions and nonprofit organizations. The program is for rising MCPS juniors and seniors to participate in a career-based learning opportunity. Students have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning opportunities related to their field of interest. Employers provide a minimum of 40 hours of either in-person or virtual experiences, or a combination of the two.

Of the 22 students in this summer’s RISE program, three students had experiences in the Office of County Executive Marc Elrich. These students provided administrative and communications support while receiving a first-hand education regarding the work and responsibilities of the office.

For Sherwood High School rising junior Timaya Pulliam, the summer experience concluded with an experience unlike most. Timaya, who is interested in journalism and communication, spent much of her summer program assisting in communications by drafting social media posts, compiling press clips and helping coordinate press and media events. She was able to see how interaction, coordination and communication occur between the government, the media directly with residents.

Timaya’s summer program concluded in a big way: She was given an opportunity in late July to interview County Executive Elrich. The video will be widely viewed. It can be found at

Students who are selected for Summer RISE learn about a career and workplace expectations, experience how companies and organizations function, build a network of mentors to support their career paths and develop transferable professional skills that can be applied in multiple employment environments, Student participants receive a $300 stipend.

More about the Summer RISE program can be found at