September 23, 2016

Summer of Safety Campaign Wraps Up

All good things must come to an end….and so it is with the summer season. On Thursday, September 22, the autumnal equinox occurred at 10:21 a.m. That seasonal passage also marked the conclusion of the 2016 Summer of Safety A to Z campaign. The hope is you benefited from the daily-throughout-the-summer safety messages delivered through the County’s social media and compiled on the Summer of Safety webpage.

The final safety message takes us back to where we started, “A” for Alert Montgomery. It is vital not just during the summer, but all year long. Please sign up for the County’s emergency warning system. It is the best way to know where to go, what to do and how to stay informed in emergency situations. You can have those messages delivered to your cell phone, land-line home or work phones, email account or text pagers during a major crisis, emergency or severe weather event. So before you get too involved in raking up those autumn leaves, go online and sign up at: