March 6, 2025

Daylight Savings Time Returns on Sunday, March 3—and It Is a Good Time to Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector Batteries

Daylight Savings Time Returns on Sunday, March 3—and It Is a Good Time to Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector Batteries

Daylight Savings Time,  observed in spring and summer months throughout most of the U.S. and much of the Northern Hemisphere, will begin at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9. Clocks must be turned forward one hour on Sunday. The annual, twice-yearly time changes are also good reminders to check batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. 

Replacing batteries comes with the responsibility of disposing of the old batteries properly.

The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) reminds residents of the importance of proper battery disposal for the protection of the environment and residential well-being. Improper battery disposal can cause fires in trash cans, on trash trucks, and at the processing and transfer stations.

It is important to transport batteries safely when they are headed for disposal. DEP guidelines for proper battery disposal:
  • Tape the ends of batteries with masking tape or another non-metallic tape.
  • Place loose batteries individually into a plastic bag.
  • Place taped of bagged batteries into a study container labeled batteries.
  • Do not remove batteries from electronics.
  • Do not mix small batteries with coins and keys in your pocket.
The household hazardous waste drop-off area at the County’s Shady Grove Processing Facility and Transfer Station, located at 16101 Frederick Road in Derwood, accepts all batteries. Lead-acid and vehicle batteries can be dropped off for free.

Purple Line Small Business Grants Available Through Maryland Department of Transportation

Purple Line Small Business Grants Available Through Maryland Department of Transportation

The Maryland Department of Transportation is accepting grant applications from small businesses impacted by construction along the Purple Line route in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.

The Purple Line Small Business Grants Program will support business operations during construction closures or detours, as well as provide marketing support for businesses along the alignment during construction of the light rail project. The four-year program will invest $4 million in eligible businesses along the Purple Line corridor.

Grant award amounts of up to $50,000 will vary based on location of the business, construction impacts and whether the business is located in areas designated for community and economic development, revitalization and sustainability. Up to three application rounds will take place each year. The first round of applications is due by March 14, 2025.

For a full list of eligibility requirements and a downloadable application visit All completed applications should be returned to

Job Seekers 50-and-Older Can Benefit from Free Virtual Job Fair on Tuesday, March 11

 Job Seekers 50-and-Older Can Benefit from Free Virtual Job Fair on Tuesday, March 11

Job seekers 50 and older could benefit from a free virtual job fair scheduled from 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11. Age-friendly employers are also being sought to participate in the event, which is being co-sponsored by Montgomery County Government and the Jewish Council for the Aging of Greater Washington (JCA). Age 50+ Federal sector jobseekers are welcome to register. To learn more about the job fair, and to register to participate, click here. Participants can join the Expo, exit, and rejoin the Expo as their schedule permits.

The event will start with two workshops created for people 50 and older seeking new positions. The first workshop will focus on “Tips, Tactics and Winning Strategies: Behavioral Questions and Virtual Interviews.” The second workshop will focus on “Bridging the Generation Gap: Communication Strategies for Experienced Professionals.”

From noon to 3:15 p.m., guest speakers will include area employers with openings. They will answer (live) questions in Chat. When their allotted presentation and question and answer session is over, they will join Chat to answer additional questions. When they are in Chat, they respond directly to the person who asked the question. The Expo end time may be extended to accommodate additional employers.

The Department of Environmental Protection To Host Landscaping with Batteries Workshop and Field Day on Wednesday, March 12

 The Department of Environmental Protection Hosts Landscaping with Batteries Workshop and Field Day on Wednesday, March 12

The County's Department of Environmental Protection will host the “Landscaping with Batteries/Jardinería con Baterías” event on Wednesday, March 12 at the Montgomery College Germantown Campus, located at 20200 Observation Drive in Germantown.

The workshop and demonstration are taking place in advance of the County’s ban on gas-powered lawn equipment, which will go into effect on July 1, 2025.

A bilingual workshop for landscapers and gardeners will be held from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. The event is free but registration is required. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for registered professionals, along with Spanish translation services.

From 10:10 a.m.-2:30 p.m., property managers, landscapers and homeowners are invited to a "field day" featuring manufacturers and local dealers showcasing electric tools such as leaf blowers, chainsaws and robotic mowers. Attendees can enjoy demonstrations, discounts and raffles.  

Work With Montgomery County Recreation This Summer

 Work With Montgomery County Recreation This Summer

Montgomery County Recreation is hosting six hiring fairs at Recreation Centers across the County in March and April. The Department is looking for lifeguards, camp counselors, camp directors and other positions to fill for this summer.

Applicants should bring their resumes, come dressed for success and be prepared to discuss their experience. The department is looking for dedicated, hardworking and motivated individuals. These hiring fairs are not job or location-specific, and applicants may attend any job fair regardless of where they are seeking to work in the County. Planning to attend? You can register in advance.
The part-time/seasonal pay rate begins at $17.15 an hour and increases based on experience. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age at the start of camps (lifeguards must be at least 15). Bilingual applicants are encouraged to apply. As a condition of employment, applicants will be required to pass a criminal background investigation. The investigation will include state, federal and sex offender background checks. 

Mural Project Bridges Climate Resilience, Social Justice and Community Healing

Mural Project Bridges Climate Resilience, Social Justice and Community Healing

The 2024 Resilience Through Art residency, led by local artist Dinah Myers Schroeder, brought together staff and clients from Montgomery County's Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to create the mural “Harmonic Hands for Change.” The project was born from the County’s Climate Action Plan, which advocates for a “whole-of-government” approach to tackling climate change. Motivated by this initiative, a climate ambassador from DHHS’ Crisis Center sought to create a work of art that would inspire hope and healing among residents most vulnerable to, and disproportionately impacted by climate-related hazards.

This collaboration involved the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), DHHS, and the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County (AHCMC). It combined artistic expression with themes of climate resilience and social justice.

Myers Schroeder fostered a safe, judgment-free space for participants to share personal stories, using their experiences of vulnerability and resilience to inform the design of the mural. Her own experience with childhood homelessness added empathy and depth to the creative process. The residency demonstrates how art can bridge government efforts with community healing, providing a model for addressing complex social and environmental issues in an integrated and meaningful way.

The “Harmonic Hands for Change” mural is displayed in the second-floor lobby of the Montgomery County DHHS Building, located at 1301 Piccard Drive in Rockville.

A Second Opportunity to Join the Conversation About Germantown’s Future Thursday, March 13

A Second Opportunity to Join the Conversation About Germantown’s Future Thursday, March

On February 19, more than 60 people joined for a community conversation about the future of the Germantown town center, hosted by the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce with support from a grant from Montgomery County.

Did you miss the event? Another community conversation will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, March 13 at the Black Rock Center for the Arts, located at 12901 Town Commons Drive. If you can’t attend, you are invited to complete a brief survey to share your input.

Join Montgomery Parks on March 20 to Learn About Safe Streets and Roads for All projects

Join Montgomery Parks on March 20 to Learn About Safe Streets and Roads for All projects

Montgomery Parks is preparing a series of traffic calming and road-crossing improvements at parks and trails in the County as part of its Safe Streets and Roads for All projects, made possible through a $7.5 million federal grant program. The public is encouraged to join a virtual community meeting from 7-8:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 20 to learn more about these projects and provide input. Details are available at

These projects will increase safety along Sligo Creek Stream Valley Park and Trail, Matthew Henson State Park and Trail, and Wheaton Regional Park. These locations are near spots where there were pedestrian and bicycle fatalities between 2015 and 2019.

The first round of projects focuses on traffic calming and road crossing improvements along Arcola Ave., with new sidewalk connections on Nairn Rd. and Orebaugh Ave., trail lighting and safety improvements along Matthew Henson Trail at Connecticut Ave. and Hewitt Ave., a new signalized crossing at Georgia Ave. and Evans Pkwy., and trail crossing enhancements along Sligo Creek Trail at University Blvd. and Godwin Dr.

Montgomery Parks is working closely with the Montgomery County Department of Transportation and State Highway Administration to advance these projects. 

Two Flavorful Events, One Great Location

Two Flavorful Events, One Great Location

The MoCo Eats Food & Beverage Showcase is a two-day event at the Hilton Rockville on March 30 and 31, 2025, where food enthusiasts and industry professionals come together to explore the latest culinary innovations. This year's showcase features two distinct events, each designed for a different audience.

Day 1: Consumer Expo – 11 a.m-5 p.m., Sunday, March 30
The consumer expo invites food lovers to discover the best of the region's culinary talent. Over 90 local businesses will be participating, including breweries, wineries, distilleries, restaurants and bakeries. Attendees can enjoy food and beverage tastings (included in the ticket price), learn about regional products, and engage in interactive experiences. Guests can also purchase items to take home.
Tickets: $20 online | $30 at the door

Day 2: Hospitality Conference – 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Monday, March 31
This event is for professionals in the restaurant, hotel and other hospitality industries. The conference celebrates the area's diversity, inspires entrepreneurship, and provides opportunities for peer networking. The agenda features keynote speaker Seth Goldman (Just Ice Tea & Eat the Change), breakout sessions on hospitality trends, student-to-business forums and peer-to-peer discussions.

Tickets: $20 online | $30 at the door

Get Your Tickets Now!
Proceeds from the event benefit the Foundation for Hospitality and Restaurant Management, which provides scholarships for MCPS students pursuing careers in hospitality. Discounted ticket packages are available for attendees attending both days.

Encouraging Everyone to ‘Take the Pledge’ and Be Climate Smart

Earlier this month, Montgomery County launched its new Climate Smart Campaign, to inspire and educate residents on making climate-smart choices in their daily lives. The campaign encourages individuals to take a “pledge” to be Climate Smart, with the slogan “BIG CHANGE starts small” serving as a reminder that small actions can lead to significant impact.

The Climate Smart Campaign spotlights everyday behaviors residents can take in five key areas to reduce their carbon footprint:
  • Food: Plan meals before shopping, compost food scraps and buy seasonal produce from local farms and farmers markets.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Sign up to receive emergency alerts from Alert Montgomery, make an emergency plan, assess your flood risk and take steps to protect your home and belongings.
  • Transportation: Use public transportation, download the Ride On app, walk or bike more often and join the Electric Vehicle Purchasing Co-Op.
  • Energy: Schedule a free Quick Home Energy Checkup, switch to LED lightbulbs and monitor your thermostat.
  • Plants: Plant a tree; trees remove carbon from the air, cool the planet, provide habitat and beautify our neighborhoods.
Whether it’s choosing public transit or planting native trees, each small action can help us reach our goal of reducing carbon pollution.

For more information on the Climate Smart Campaign and to take the pledge, visit the Montgomery County Climate Action Portal.

Montgomery County Police Expand Eligibility for Security Camera Incentive Program

Montgomery County Police Expand Eligibility for Security Camera Incentive Program

The Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) has announced that the Police-Private Security Camera Program's eligibility has been expanded to include all addresses within Montgomery County.

The Police-Private Security Camera Program is designed to deter and solve crimes by incentivizing the installation of security cameras in geographic areas experiencing relatively high crime incidents.  An owner or tenant of a property used as a residence, business or nonprofit organization located within Montgomery County may apply.

Individuals, businesses or nonprofit organizations must register online to participate. Residents must purchase and install their security cameras before applying for reimbursement.  

For more information on the program, visit the MCPD website.