April 23, 2018

Montgomery County Delegation Announces 2018 Session Accomplishments for the County

The 32-member Montgomery County Delegation to the Maryland General Assembly has announced its 2018 legislative accomplishments for the County. Read more.

2018 Primary Election is Scheduled for June 26; Board of Elections Seeks Election Workers

The 2018 Primary Election is scheduled for June 26 and early voting begins on June 14. The Board of Elections website has information to keep you informed on many voter services including voter registration, polling places, and more.

The Board of Elections needs registered voters to serve as election workers for the upcoming primary election. Due to the diversity within the county, voters who speak multiple languages are also needed. Voters who are fluent in both English and Spanish are especially needed.

More information on election workers is available at montgomerycountymd.gov/elections.

Montgomery County to Participate in Drug Enforcement Administration’s 15th Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

On Saturday, April 28 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. community members may drop off unused, unwanted, or expired prescription drugs when the County once again participates in the Washington Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA’s) National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day.

Understanding the prevalence of opioid overdoses and abuse, this event provides a means for the public to safely dispose of unused and unwanted opioid prescriptions and prevent their life-threatening abuse.

The biannual event is coordinated in our County by the Montgomery County Department of Police (MCPD) and the County’s Department of Health and Human Services.

Learn more and find drop-off sites throughout the County in the press release.

Bethesda Library Reopens with as the Connie Morella Library with a Fresh Look and New Name

On April 14, hundreds of residents turned out to celebrate the renaming and grand reopening of the newly refreshed Montgomery County Public Libraries’ Connie Morella Library, formerly called the Bethesda Library. The library is located at 7400 Arlington Road.

The facility is renamed to honor Connie Morella who served Montgomery County in the Maryland General Assembly from 1979 to 1986 and represented Montgomery County and Maryland’s 8th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives from 1987 to 2003. Following her congressional service, Morella was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve as Ambassador to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development from 2003 until 2007. Morella is a founding member of the Maryland Women’s Hall of Fame and served as second President of the Montgomery County Commission for Women.

The refresh for the library includes new sit-stand circulation, information, and self-checkout desks; renovation of the public restrooms; new roof, painting and flooring; two new collaboration spaces; upgraded-lighting with improved energy-efficient and brighter LED lamps; outside enhancements which include book drops, bike racks, additional new furniture; motorized window shades, and many other enhancements.

Enhanced interior and exterior updates, including upgraded walkways and entrances that improved accessibility for people with disabilities.

Partial funding for the project was provided by the County Library Capital Grant Program, Maryland State Library, as authorized by the Maryland General Assembly and supported by the Montgomery County Delegation.

See the press release for more about the ceremony and refresh project.

Montgomery County’s GreenFest Returns on May 5

GreenFest, the County’s largest, annual environmental festival returns on Saturday, May 5. The event will take place at Jesup Local Park located at 900 Jesup Blair Drive in Silver Spring from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Join your friends and neighbors for this fun-filled day focused on how we can all work toward a cleaner, greener world. To learn more about the entertainment and activities go to the GreenFest website.

Montgomery County Department of Recreation to Host Community Meeting for the Good Hope Neighborhood Recreation Center

The Department of Recreation will host a community meeting on Tuesday, May 8 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The session will be held at the Good Hope Union United Methodist Church located at 14680 Good Hope Road in Silver Spring.

Residents are invited to provide input on the programs and services that may be provided at the new Good Hope Neighborhood Recreation Center when it opens later this year. For the first time, Montgomery County Recreation is partnering with Strathmore to provide art, music and educational activities at the new center.

Construction of the new Good Hope Neighborhood Recreation Center is underway at 14715 Good Hope Road in Silver Spring. The new facility will include a full-size gymnasium, kitchen and social hall. For more information about the status of construction, visit the project’s website, here.

Free Housing Educational Forum to be Held on April 30 in Silver Spring

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April is Fair Housing Month and housing professionals and providers can join fair housing regulators in Montgomery County at the free “One-Stop Fair Housing Shop” to learn more about fair housing. The fair housing educational forum will be held on Monday, April 30, from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Silver Spring Civic Center located at 1 Veterans Place.

“One-Stop Fair Housing Shop” focuses on the fair housing requirements for people with disabilities, reasonable accommodations, use of service animals, parking requirements, common ownership communities’ responsibilities, legal updates on the county, state and federal levels, and new trends for a changing housing consumer base.

Guest speakers will include: representatives from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, Office of Human Rights, Office of Consumer Protection, Office of Landlord-Tenant Affairs, Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.

Preregistration and more information is available HERE.

Bethesda Summer Concert Series Begins May 17

With hopes of consistent warmer weather, folks are looking forward to the return of the weekly outdoor concerts in downtown Bethesda. This series, produced by the Bethesda Urban Partnership, will feature free Thursday evening concerts during May, June and July. The concerts offer a diverse range of music including rock, funk, jazz and reggae.

The concerts begin on May 17 and will take place on Thursday evenings, from 6 to 8 p.m. in Veterans Park, located at the corner of Woodmont and Norfolk Avenues. See the full schedule.

On April 24, Montgomery College Presents Climate Change: What Is Happening and What Can We Do About It?

On April 24 at 7 p.m., Montgomery College will present Climate Change: What Is Happening and What Can We Do About It? The free event will take place at the Montgomery College Germantown Campus in Globe Hall located in the High Technology and Science Center.

Ilissa Ocko, a climate scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund, will discuss Earth’s climatic past; scientific views on the current warming trend, including how it affects societies and ecosystems; and what might be done to affect change. Ocko will share highlights of her research on the short- and long-term climate impacts of greenhouse gases and aerosols and mitigation measures.

The program is part of the Frank Islam Athenaeum Symposia speaker series that features timely topics presented by leading experts.

Montgomery Parks Wants to Hear from You

Join Montgomery Parks, part of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission at a public meeting to discuss possible improvements to the hard-surface courts in the northern section of Columbia Local Park. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 24 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Marilyn J. Praisner Community Recreation Center located at 14906 Old Columbia Pike in Burtonsville.

Parks staffers are asking for help to determine the future uses for the existing courts. The courts are located on the northern section of the park.

More information about the project is available at the Montgomery Parks web page.

Metropolitan Ballet Theatre to Expand to Clarksburg

The Board of Directors of Metropolitan Ballet Theatre (MBT) announced plans to expand the 29-year-old nonprofit arts education organization to Clarksburg this summer. MBT’s current home in Gaithersburg will also continue to serve the community.

MBT’s newest location will be at 22530 Gateway Center Drive and will include more than 7000 square feet of space, with three large classroom studios. Other features include sprung dance flooring, high ceilings, and integrated audio-visual technology.

The 2018-2019 academic year will mark the first full session of educational programming in MBT’s Clarksburg space. MBT will continue to produce two professional ballets annually at the Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center at Montgomery College in Rockville; its 30th annual production season will open with The Nutcracker in December 2018. Read more about the new location HERE.

Affordable Housing Summit Scheduled for May 11

The Affordable Housing Conference of Montgomery County —a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization—will present the 27th Annual Affordable Housing Summit, on Friday, May 11. The event will be held from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center located at 5701 Marinelli Road in North Bethesda.

Registration information is available at HERE.

April 9, 2018

Montgomery County Council to Hold Public Hearings on Proposed FY 2019 Budget

Residents will provide comments and suggestions on the County Executive’s recommended FY 2019 Operating Budget.

The public hearings are scheduled for:
Hearings will be held in the third-floor hearing room of the Council Office Building located at 100 Maryland Ave. in Rockville.

The number of speakers for public hearings is limited. Anyone interested in testifying can sign up online or by calling 240-777-7803. Comments and suggestions are welcome online or via email at county.council@montgomerycountymd.gov., through postal mail to County Council, 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850 or by calling the Council’s budget hotline at 240-777-7802. 

Information on the budget can be found on the Council website or by going to the Council’s web page atwww.montgomerycountymd.gov/council and clicking on “Operating and CIP Budgets”.

Stay Alert, Stay Alive

Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett has announced an awareness and enforcement campaign regarding distracted driving and distracted walking. The “Stay Alert, Stay Alive” campaign is part of the County’s Vision Zero initiative to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on our roadways.

Distracted driving or walking is a leading cause of crashes in Montgomery County. In the County, nearly half of all drivers and four in 10 pedestrians involved in severe or fatal crashes were distracted. The good news is that this is something that can be changed.

To learn more, go to VisionZero.

Hundreds Attend Ribbon-Cutting Celebration for the Montgomery County Public Libraries’ White Oak Branch

Hundreds of residents turned out to celebrate the reopening of the Montgomery County Public Libraries White Oak Library on April 2. The library, located at 11701 New Hampshire Ave. in Silver Spring, was closed to be “refreshed” under the Library Refurbishment Level-of-Effort initiative in the County’s Capital Improvements Program.

Partial funding for the project was provided by the County Library Capital Grant Program of the Maryland State Library program as authorized by the Maryland General Assembly and supported by the Montgomery County Delegation.

The library opened immediately following the ribbon-cutting ceremony. More information about the improvements is available HERE.

More information about the library, including hours of operation and upcoming events, is available at HERE.

Montgomery County Celebrates Earth Month with Events Throughout April; Activities Culminate at the Montgomery County GreenFest on May 5

To celebrate April as Earth Month, the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection is hosting or participating in numerous events focused on the environment. These events offer opportunities for residents and businesses to help make the County a greener, cleaner place.

County Executive Ike Leggett and County Council President Hans Riemer will officially proclaim April as Earth Month in Montgomery County with a joint proclamation on April 17. With this action, County officials affirm the importance of protecting the environment, not only during Earth Month but throughout the year.

For more information about all of the activities go to Department of Environmental Protection Earth Month Activities.

"Montgomery Serves Awards" Recognizes Service to the Community

Montgomery County will honor nine individuals and groups for their exemplary service to the community at the seventh annual Montgomery Serves Awards ceremony, set for Monday, April 23 at 6:30 p.m. The event will be held at Imagination Stage located at 4908 Auburn Ave. in Bethesda.

The event is free and open to the public, but reservations are required as seating is limited. Register here.

Learn more about the winners, the awards, and ways to get involved in serving our community at montgomeryserves.org. That is the website of the Montgomery County Volunteer Center, which coordinates the awards and thousands of volunteer opportunities countywide.

Fund for Montgomery provided a generous contribution from the Carl M. Freeman Foundation to sponsor the event.

Design for Life Showcase Returns to Silver Spring on May 5

The Design for Life Showcase is scheduled for Saturday, May 5 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be held at the Silver Spring Civic Building located at 1 Veterans Pl.

This is the event to meet building professionals who are designing and renovating accessible homes for all ages and stages of life. Whether you are a homeowner buying a new home or renovating your current home, the Design for Life program offers a variety of benefits for you.

Learn more about the Design for Life program by visiting its website. Register for the showcase, HERE.

Construction Continues at Wheaton Revitalization Project Site

Significant progress continues at the site of the Wheaton Revitalization Project, where construction is underway on a 14-story Montgomery County government office building and the public square.

You can watch the construction progress via a camera that is fixed on the downtown Wheaton construction site and posted on the project’s website at wheatonproject.com.

Demolition of the former Mid-County Regional Services Center, which began in late January, is  completed.

The new town square of approximately 20,000 square feet will be built at the site of the former services center site on the Reedie Drive side of the project. The town square will provide space for public use and entertainment purposes. It will include an amphitheater and covered stage.

Major steps in the revitalization of Wheaton are evolving around the Wheaton Triangle Business District as the three-year project continues to be on schedule for completion in 2020—and it continues to be on budget.

More information is available at the Wheaton Revitalization Project website.

Montgomery College Board Approves Naming of Math and Science Building in Honor of County Executive Ike Leggett and Catherine Leggett

The Montgomery College Board of Trustees passed a resolution to name a new Math and Science Building to honor County Executive Ike Leggett and his wife Catherine Leggett. The building will be located on Montgomery College’s Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus.

For students, the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus Building will be a key component in their paths to completion since every college student in Maryland must take math and science courses to obtain a degree. The Catherine and Isiah Leggett Math and Science Building will replace the out-of-date classrooms and labs in buildings that are 56 and 38 years old. The plans for this modernization have been in place for almost 15 years. The College anticipates construction of the new math and science building to start in December 2019 and to open for the fall semester of 2022.

Read more about the renaming at the Montgomery College website.

Bethesda’s Local Writers Showcase Honors Writers and Poets on April 19 and 20

Bethesda Urban Partnership and Bethesda Magazine will host the Local Writer’s Showcase, celebrating writers from Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia on April 19 and 20. The Showcase will include two award ceremonies and readings, honoring the winners of the annual Bethesda Essay and Short Story Contest and the Bethesda Poetry Contest. Both ceremonies are open to the public.

The Showcase begins at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 19, with a Poetry Contest Awards Ceremony and Reading by award-winning poet E. Ethelbert Miller at Gallery B, 7700 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite E located in Bethesda.

The Annual Bethesda Essay and Short Story Contest Awards ceremony will be held on Friday, April 20 at 7 p.m. at the Bethesda Hyatt located at 7400 Wisconsin Ave. Winners will receive their awards and can read an excerpt from their work.

Kidde Recalls Dual Sensor Smoke Alarms

The Montgomery County Office of Consumer Protection, the Department of Permitting Services and the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service are alerting residents of a smoke alarm recall.

Kidde is recalling almost 500,000 dual sensor smoke alarms because of a manufacturing malfunction that may compromise the alarm’s ability to detect smoke. Specifically, a yellow protective cap may have been left on one of the two smoke sensors during the manufacturing process.

For more information about the recall, visit the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission website.

Montgomery County Provides Opportunities for Artist to Showcase Works

With dozens of museums, galleries, and art shows, Montgomery County is a cultural hub that provides many opportunities for the artist to showcase their arts.

To reactivate the Montgomery County Contemporary Works on Paper Collection, the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County and the Montgomery County Public Art Trust, have announced a call for the visual artist. For more information, go to www.bettymaekramergallery.com/mcwopcallforart. The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 20.

The Beacon Celebration of the Arts invites amateur artists, age 50 years and older, to enter the best works in the Beacon Celebration of the Arts competition. Original works are accepted in four categories: Painting or drawing, sculpture/jewelry/pottery/mixed media, photography and poetry. Entries will be accepted through June 29. For more information go to bit.ly/BeaconCelebration.

A-Rts Returns to Rockville Town Square May 5-6, 2018

The Sixth Annual A-RTS at Rockville Town Square will showcase the work of 150 nationally recognized artists from around the United States in a spectacular outdoor gallery. The event takes place on Saturday and Sunday, May 5 and 6. Hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is free.

A-RTS will be held rain or shine at Rockville Town Square, located at 200 East Middle Lane and on surrounding streets (Maryland Avenue and E. Middle Lane). Streets are closed to traffic for the festival. The event is within walking distance from the Rockville Metro station. Parking is available at numerous garages located around the site.

More information about A-RTS is available at www.a-rts.org.