Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, County Council Vice President Tom Hucker and Councilmember Even Glass joined community members for a recent “Climate Action Plan Town Hall and Open House.” The event held at the United Therapeutics Corporate Headquarters in Silver Spring featured presentations—and 850 recommendations—from five County workgroups who have been studying issues and actions the County can take to reach its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals.
In 2017, the County approved a Climate Emergency Resolution with the goal to reduce greenhouse gases by 80 percent by 2027 and 100 percent by 2035. The 150 members of the five workgroups are part of a planning process the County developed to prioritize actions and strategies to meet its GHG emission reduction goals and make the County more resilient to the impacts from climate change.
The workgroups were formed from a combination of volunteers with backgrounds and strong interests in energy and climate change and County staff that work on those issues. The workgroups focused on buildings; clean energy; transportation; public engagement and education and climate adaptation and sequestration.
Residents can review the recommendations and contribute comments at www.montgomerycountymd.gov/climate.
The workgroup recommendations and the public feedback will help the County prioritize the actions for inclusion in a Climate Action and Resilience Plan to be issued in 2021.
The workgroups were formed from a combination of volunteers with backgrounds and strong interests in energy and climate change and County staff that work on those issues. The workgroups focused on buildings; clean energy; transportation; public engagement and education and climate adaptation and sequestration.
Residents can review the recommendations and contribute comments at www.montgomerycountymd.gov/climate.
The workgroup recommendations and the public feedback will help the County prioritize the actions for inclusion in a Climate Action and Resilience Plan to be issued in 2021.