September 11, 2024

‘Saving the Historic Otho Trundle Barn’ in Dickerson Will Be Free Virtual Presentation from Montgomery History on Thursday, Sept. 19

Otho Trundle’s barn, thought to have been built around 1830, will turn 200 in a few years. About 30 acres remain of the property in Dickerson, which is believed to have hosted Northern Civil War soldiers as they spent time resting when the Confederate Army passed right by on their Maryland Campaign of 1862. The effort to save Otho Trundle’s Barn will be the subject of a free virtual presentation of Montgomery History at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 19.

The barn is not in great shape currently. Its roof collapsed as a result of weather in mid-August. In this presentation, Kenny Sholes, a board member of the Historic Medley District and creator of Historic Ag Reserve Properties, will talk about the history of the barn and ongoing efforts to preserve and stabilize the structure.

To register for the presentation, go to Webinar Registration - Zoom.