February 7, 2025

Message from the County Executive Marc Elrich


Dear Friends,

This week, we saw yet another example of how actions in Washington have consequences here in Montgomery County. The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that the White House is preparing an executive order to fire thousands of federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) employees.

That’s not just a bureaucratic shake-up—it is an attack on the people and institutions that protect public health and advance medical research.

HHS includes the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), two of the largest federal employers in our County. Their work impacts everything from drug approvals to cutting-edge medical research. Losing key personnel threatens not just the workers themselves, but the integrity of public health initiatives nationwide.

This is a difficult and uncertain time for federal workers, many of whom live and work in Montgomery County. A recent analysis of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (below) shows 48,433 federal employees spread across 138 establishments within Montgomery County. That’s a significant financial impact.

An even larger number of federal employees live in the County – 77,550 according to the 2023 American Community Survey. And it is not just federal employees who are at risk. Contractors who support government operations, non-governmental organizations that rely on U.S. Agency for International Development funding, and the many small businesses—from restaurants to dry cleaners—that serve federal workers and their families are all caught in the ripple effect.

While we can’t predict what will happen for federal employees and other federal-related workers, we did want to share some resources. The State has a resource designed to help workers impacted by federal decisions. Resources for Maryland's Former Federal Workers and Other Workers Impacted by the Federal Government Transition can help answer questions about unemployment insurance and employment opportunities. Civil Service Strong, which brings together unions, non-profit groups, watchdog and legal organizations with ties to the federal government and Partnership for Public Service are two more options. I hope you share these links with anyone that needs it. are two more options. I hope you share these links with anyone that needs it.

I also urge you to stay informed by following our congressional delegation—Rep. Raskin, Rep. Ivey, Rep. McClain Delaney, Sen. Van Hollen and  Sen. Alsobrooks—who are actively working to oppose these harmful policies and provide information and resources to constituents as well.

Rep. Raskin said it well in response to this crisis: President Trump's election did not create a fourth branch of government called Elon Musk.

These are truly difficult times: we knew there would be challenges under this administration, but the scale of disruption we are seeing now is beyond what anyone anticipated. The economic damage could be severe, and we are closely monitoring the situation.

Beyond the financial impact, we continue to hear from residents who are living in fear—whether they are federal workers uncertain about their jobs or members of communities that have been actively targeted by this administration. Immigrants, LGBTQ+ individuals and other vulnerable groups are feeling increased anxiety as policies are rolled out with little regard for their safety and well-being. We want you to know that Montgomery County stands with you. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please reach out—we have resources available to help.

Specifically, I want to remind you about our Gilchrist Immigrant Resource Center, WorkSource Montgomery and the County job page. We will continue to do everything we can to support our workers, our businesses and our most vulnerable communities. We will not let Washington’s chaos define us.

Housing Proposals Need Careful Review  

Last week, County Councilmembers introduced a package of legislation and proposals that they titled More Housing N.O.W. Since then, my staff and I have received many questions and requests for comments about this package, particularly about the Zoning Text Amendments (ZTAs) that would extend the County’s Workforce Housing Program to corridors throughout the County. We have not yet had time to fully analyze either this proposal or the others in the package, but I want to give you my first impressions.

First, let me say that I appreciate that Councilmembers are trying to address some concerns that came up repeatedly around the Attainable Housing Strategies Initiative (AHS). As I have discussed previously, the AHS proposal from the Planning Board understandably generated enormous concern across the County. That proposal had extensive problems, many of which I have addressed previously, in person with community groups throughout the fall and in this video. 

Second, let me clarify that we all know that housing costs have gone up drastically – renters are facing high rents, and many would-be buyers are not able to find homes they can afford to purchase. The biggest challenge is for affordable housing for lower incomes and for people who make too much to qualify for Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDU) but not enough to afford market-rate housing. That is the biggest problem. 

So, I think any proposed solutions must be clearly explained and they have to address the affordability issue. At this point, there is no evidence that these proposals address the lack of affordable housing for many people in the community – either for renters or homeowners. At least upon first review, the proposed zoning changes seem to be geared toward producing mostly market-rate housing, with only a small percentage of more affordable housing. The target of these proposals is workforce housing, and the County adopted a workforce housing program almost 20 years ago. Before expanding it, we really need to understand whether the existing program has produced the desired results. It is my understanding that the program has multiple unresolved issues; it is rarely used, it has design issues, and it is unclear who is benefitting.   

Separate from the ZTA is a proposal to increase funds available for downpayment assistance; that could expand homeownership opportunities, but that is a budget decision, unrelated to zoning. Such programs already exist but they are limited; they are a welcome resource for recipients. The Council may want to allocate additional funds for this worthwhile endeavor, but we need to be transparent that it is a budget item.

Our Department of Housing and Community Affairs has been analyzing what is working in our system and what needs to be changed. And that goes to a larger point about these proposals. They are confusing and they were developed and presented as a surprise to the executive branch and the housing, zoning and transportation experts we have and without community involvement, including our communities who had expressed concern about the Attainable Housing Solutions. The timing of the surprise announcement--before there was any public resolution of the AHS proposal—has created confusion as to whether the new package is a first step towards implementing AHS or is something different.  

Residents had reasonable expectations that they would be consulted after the public listening sessions this past fall. Now, they are trying to understand what the impact of these newest proposals would be on housing affordability and how these proposals will interface with their communities. Many of them are equally concerned that something will be rushed through before they understand what has happened. 

So, I certainly hope that any proposals will be carefully reviewed and explained with meaningful input from communities in all the affected areas. In fact, this countywide approach to rezoning that is in the Attainable Housing Strategies - and now is in these ZTAs - replaces the longtime approach of master plans that historically have engaged the affected communities. The combination of these two approaches has rendered master plans meaningless. The people who live here now – who work here, who are in our schools, who use our parks, our hospitals and our transportation system – they need to be part of the process and the decision-making. 

I would also note that some of the risks in the AHS proposal may also be present in this package. I’m concerned about the displacement of lower-income households along major roads. Currently, many of the homes along major roads are rented by lower-income families. One of the ZTAs could incentivize owners to sell their property for redevelopment. And very likely the replacement units would be smaller and more expensive than the existing housing. The impact of increased development on infrastructure also needs to be assessed. Primarily, this concerns schools, transportation and parking, but it also includes trees, stormwater management and flooding, emergency services, public safety and parks. Those are major issues for consideration that are central to maintaining our quality of life for diverse communities.  

So, at this point, there are many more questions than answers, and our residents deserve to have all their questions answered. We need to be very comfortable that these changes will actually bring us more affordable housing and that the County revenues that are proposed to be spent are the best use of those funds.

We will continue to review these proposals, and I intend to be an active participant in the conversations moving forward.

Please feel free to include me in correspondence – I can be contacted at marc.elrich@montgomerycountymd.gov.

Governor’s State of State Address

I was in Annapolis again this week to attend Maryland Gov. Wes Moore’s third State of the State address. To me, it is clear that Gov. Moore is the right person at the right time to face the challenges upon us and lead us during this very challenging time.  

His administration is facing an unprecedented state budget deficit and the uncertainty of future federal funding support. Despite these obstacles, the Governor remains optimistic and has charted a path forward that, in his words, is “responding to the moment.”  

The plan focuses on boosting the economy, strengthening our workforce, modernizing government and creating a fair tax system. I am glad he backs tax reform that does not raise revenue through sales or property taxes on residents. 

A poll by the Washington Post and the University of Maryland (see above) shows how well-received some of these proposals are, with high marks for tax increases on high-income earners, sports betting and recreational cannabis.    

Montgomery County will benefit from a record investment in education. And at a time when federal investments are in question, some of the planned State spending would help create clean energy options, a critical focus when we desperately need to address climate change  

At the heart of this budget plan is growing the middle class, creating jobs and spurring economic development activity. We are doing our part. Montgomery County accounts for one-sixth of the state’s population but 25 percent of the state’s Gross Domestic Product.  

We will continue to focus on growing our life sciences, technology and hospitality industries while we also look for opportunities to create manufacturing jobs and invest in workforce training and our education system. We look forward to continuing partnerships and collaborations with the State on economic development efforts.

On Wednesday, Lt. Gov. Aruna Miller was my guest on my weekly media briefing. She discussed this strategy and gave some specifics on how to accomplish those goals. You can watch this discussion on the County’s YouTube channel.

Importance of Investing in Child Care

Last week, Gov. Moore visited the Wonders Early Learning Center at Leland in Chevy Chase to meet with parents and educators and discuss the State’s investment in education (pictures here). He noted that Maryland had jumped 20 states in fourth-grade reading level proficiency, going from 40th to 20th since the previous assessment. 

I want to thank the Moore-Miller administration for making child care a priority as we move forward despite a budget deficit. Here in Montgomery County, I have also made child care a top priority over the past six years by investing an additional $55.4 million over and above the base Department of Health and Human Services budget.  

In 2021, the Council unanimously passed, and I signed into law, the Early Childhood Education Initiative (ECE), which aligns efforts across Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College and Montgomery County Government and creates a more equitable early care and education system for children from birth to age five. This collaboration maximizes public resources and strengthens system‐wide coordination to eliminate barriers and provide equitable experiences for all families. Its focus is on creating high-quality and affordable programs to help families. 

Our efforts helped establish a direct grant program for providers, create Family Involvement Centers throughout the County and grow the number of licensed family child care providers and scholarships for ECE educators at Montgomery College.   

We are specifically focused on the following:  
  • Aligning services for easier client and provider access. 
  • Sustaining high-quality early childhood programs throughout Montgomery County. 
  • Improving access and affordability to high-quality programs. 
  • Expanding the supply of child care facilities. 
We still have a lot to do. The County has 1,269 licensed child care programs, offering just over 43,000 seats for children up to five years old. With 57,000 children in that age range, a significant gap remains, even when you consider that some families will not choose child care, especially those who cannot afford it. 

As a former teacher, I know the value of early childhood education in a child’s development. Quality, licensed child care with proper teacher-to-student ratios is essential for working parents. More importantly, it is critical for their children. 

Of all the investments that we can make, early education is probably the most important and most effective program for ensuring that children start kindergarten with the language and social/emotional competence that creates a level playing field. I appreciate having a governor who gets it.

He understands that investing in early childhood education helps on multiple fronts. It is as much an educational priority as it is an economic one.  

I thank Gov. Moore and his staff for visiting Montgomery County and highlighting this critical issue for our families.

Black History Month and the Renaming of the Executive Office Building After Ike Leggett

This year marks 50 years since the very first Black History Month. Every year it allows us to look back at the contributions of Black Americans here in Montgomery County and beyond.  

It is significant to me because I do not think this country can heal and put itself on the right course until it deals with its own history. We have avoided real discussions about Black history for years.  

The Trump administration wants to prohibit federal employees from having those discussions. Anybody who has worked to address inequities in society and to help raise all people up is being targeted for removal from their jobs.

I am proud to say that Montgomery County will continue its diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. In fact, I would rather use all three words than the acronym ‘DEI’ because it emphasizes how important each element is. This week I was proud to be part of the County’s Black History Month program. I appreciate the work being done by our Office of Racial Equity, Office of Human Rights and others to set up a wonderful program for our employees that was entertaining and educational. The picture above, from a celebration earlier in the week at the County Council, highlighted the importance of recognizing this month each year.

When lessons focusing on the inherent bias in many parts of our society were introduced under the term “critical race theory” - that effort was vilified. Critical race theory is just the telling of American history in the way that it actually occurred. That may be uncomfortable for some, but it’s reality. The end of the Civil War and the passage 100 years later of landmark civil rights legislation failed to create the necessary programs and changes to give full and equal rights to black Americans. Nor did it do anything to concretely address the consequences of three centuries of racism, bigotry and white supremacy. 

For too long, we denied that the aspiration of “liberty and justice for all” had no meaning for Black Americans. It is frightening to me that even today, there is a drive to pretend that enacting racist policies never happened and that its impact does not matter.  

In Montgomery County, we use this month to highlight educational opportunities through our libraries, recreation centers and even our Office of Agriculture. The Underground Railroad ran through our community, allowing slaves from the south to travel north to freedom.  This County was blanketed by plantations that used slaves, and when that ended, our predecessors found another way to block the benefits of freedom to the formerly enslaved people by placing racial covenants on much of the land. Those efforts to block renting and owning a home persisted into the 1960s. Understanding our complete history is absolutely essential.

To mark another historic event, we announced in December that the Executive Office Building in Rockville will be renamed to honor former County Executive Ike Leggett, the first person of color to be County Executive and a trail blazer in numerous ways. This renaming ceremony will take place on Monday, February 24 at 3 p.m. with speeches honoring County Executive Leggett and an official unveiling of the Executive Office Building’s new name.   

We expect a packed house to honor this great man and are asking people to RSVP. Please email us at leggettevent@montogomerycountymd.gov to reserve your spot at this historic event.
As always, my appreciation for all of you,

Marc Elrich
County Executive

February 6, 2025

Inaugural Super Bowl SoberRide® Campaign Launched to Prevent DUI in the DMV

Inaugural Super Bowl SoberRide® Campaign Launched to Prevent DUI in the DMV

This year for the first time, the Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) will offer free safe rides on Super Bowl Sunday. On Sunday, Feb. 9 from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 10, WRAP will provide rides to help keep local roads safe from impaired drivers during this traditionally high-risk period. More than one-third of U.S. traffic deaths during the Super Bowl involve drunk drivers.

Area residents ages 21 and older celebrating with alcohol may download the Lyft app to their phones and then enter the SoberRide® code in the app’s ‘payment’ tab (under the ‘add Lyft Pass’ option) to receive their no-cost (up to $15) safe transportation home. WRAP’s 2025 Super Bowl SoberRide® promo code will be posted at 6 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9th on www.SoberRide.com.

More than one-third of U.S. traffic deaths during the Super Bowl involve drunk drivers.

For more information about WRAP and their work to prevent drunk driving and underage drinking in the metropolitan area, their website at https://wrap.org/.

Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s Decorated LoveFlash Buses Return for the Month of February 

 Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s Decorated LoveFlash Buses Return for the Month of February

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is celebrating love during the month of February with its Flash Bus Rapid Transit service. Five Flash BRT buses servicing Colesville Road/Columbia Pike (US 29) are decorated with neon heart lights and heart decals. In addition, starting next week, on Monday, Feb 10, riders who visit the Four Corners, Burnt Mills, White Oak and Briggs-Chaney Flash bus stations can snap selfies with special Valentine installations. 

Montgomery County residents are encouraged to take pictures of the buses or selfies at the decorated stations and post them to social media to be entered into a weekly drawing for a $25 gift card. To enter, snap a picture of a decorated LoveFlash bus or take a selfie or picture at one of the decorated Flash stations, and post it on X,  Bluesky,  Instagram,  Threads or Facebook and tag @MCDOTNow for a chance to win a $25 gift card in a weekly, random draw. Be sure to follow the @MCDOTNow account to ensure your post will be seen. The contest will run until Friday, Feb. 28.   

Avian Flu Update for Montgomery County Residents

Avian Flu Update for Montgomery County Residents

Montgomery County residents are encouraged to stay informed about the ongoing spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), which is affecting wild bird, poultry and dairy herd populations throughout the U.S. While the risk to humans remains low, it is important to take precautions when encountering sick or dead birds.

The Maryland Department of Agriculture recently confirmed a case of HPAI, caused by the H5N1 strain, in a Montgomery County backyard chicken flock. The infected chickens have been euthanized to prevent further spread, and all exposed individuals are being closely monitored for any signs of illness.

Avian influenza, also known as bird flu, is a contagious viral infection that has affected more than 149.9 million birds in the U.S., including commercial and backyard poultry. The USDA has also reported H5N1 infection in more than 950 dairy cow herds across the U.S.

As of Feb. 4, 67 human cases of avian influenza have been reported in the U.S., with one death. Forty of these human cases were associated with exposure to sick dairy herds, and 23 were associated with exposure to infected poultry. No person-to-person transmissions have been detected.

The virus spreads easily through nasal and eye secretions, as well as bird droppings. Wild birds, particularly waterfowl like ducks and geese, play a key role in spreading the virus from one flock to another. Backyard poultry owners should be especially vigilant, as the virus can also spread via contaminated equipment, clothing and footwear.

Backyard flock owners are required to register their birds with the Maryland Department of Agriculture. Registration helps protect both Maryland’s poultry industry and your flock from diseases like HPAI.

Though the risk of transmission to humans is low, residents should follow these necessary precautions to protect themselves. If you find a dead bird:
  • Personal Backyard Flock of Poultry​
    Call the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) Animal Health Program at 410-841-5810 (410-841-5971 after hours) or email md.birdflu@maryland.gov.​
  • Waterfowl (duck, goose, swan, gull) or Bird of Prey (hawk, falcon, vulture)​
    Call the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) Animal Health Program at 410-841-5810 or toll-free in Maryland at 1-877-463-6497 from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on state holidays.​
  • Songbird (cardinals, bluejays, etc.) ​
    Safe to dispose of on your own. The risk that a songbird has avian flu is extremely low.​
Wear disposable gloves to pick up a sick or dead bird. If you don’t have gloves, turn a plastic bag inside out and use it to pick up the dead bird. Place the bird in two plastic bags, throw it away in your regular trash, then thoroughly wash your hands.

Ensure that your pets, especially dogs, do not come in contact with sick or dead birds.

Residents can help prevent the spread of avian flu by avoiding areas with sick or dead birds and following the guidelines set by state and local authorities. Poultry owners should continue to practice proper biosecurity measures to protect their flocks.

For the latest updates and additional information about avian flu, visit the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s website.

Germantown Visioning Workshop Planned for Wednesday, Feb. 12

Germantown Visioning Workshop Planned for Wednesday, Feb. 12

Mark your calendar for the Germantown Visioning Workshop from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12 at the BlackRock Center for the Arts.

The Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce has grant funding to determine the feasibility of a Business Improvement District or Urban District in Germantown and they need the public’s help to craft the vision, mission and core values that will guide the future of the town center in Germantown.

Montgomery County Park and Planning will also be on hand to share information on the upcoming Germantown Sector Plan Amendment study, which will kick off soon. Visit Montgomery will share information on the Brand Rural Montgomery Initiative.

Register today!

In-Person Public Forum on Proposed Changes to Montgomery County Department of Transportation Ride On Bus Routes on Tuesday, Feb. 18

In-Person Public Forum on Proposed Changes to Montgomery County Department of Transportation Ride On Bus Routes on Tuesday, Feb. 18

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is hosting an in-person public forum at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18 at the Mid-County Regional Services Center, located at 2425 Reedie Drive in Wheaton. The meeting will be held in the 2nd floor conference room.

MCDOT is seeking public feedback on proposed changes to MCDOT Ride On bus routes 10, 34, 42 and a new route 40, as well as weekend service changes to Metrobus routes L8 and T2. These changes are planned to take effect on Sunday, June 29. Public feedback has the potential to impact these changes.

The following changes are related to the Year 1 implementation phase of the County’s Ride On Reimagined study recommendations and WMATA’s Better Bus network redesign: 
  • Ride On Route 10 (Twinbrook Station-Hillandale):  Discontinue and replace with new Metrobus Routes M42, M44 and M60. 
  • Ride On Route 34 (Aspen Hill-Friendship Heights):  Realign to Connecticut Avenue between University Boulevard and Veirs Mill Road, to serve portions of Connecticut Avenue that Metro Bus Route M22 will not serve. Discontinue service to Wheaton and Friendship Heights Metro Stations and move the southern endpoint to Bethesda Metro Station. 
  • Ride On Route 40 (new):  This new bus route will replace portions of Metrobus Routes Q2, Q4 and Q6 between the Wheaton Metro Station and Montgomery College-Rockville campus. 
  • Ride On Route 42 (North Bethesda/White Flint-Montgomery Mall):  Move the northern endpoint to Twinbrook Metro Station. Discontinue low-ridership service to Boiling Brook Parkway and to the William F. Bolger Center/U.S. Postal Service training facility. 
  • Metrobus Route L8 (Aspen Hill-Friendship Heights):  WMATA will replace Route L8 with Metrobus Route M22 and provide service on weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Ride On will no longer provide weekend service on this route. 
  • Metrobus Route T2 (Rockville-Friendship Heights):  WMATA will replace Route T2 with Metrobus Route M82 and provide service on weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Ride On will no longer provide weekend service on this route. 
Additional information on the proposed Ride On changes, including maps, is available on the MCDOT website.  

Individuals and representatives of organizations who would like to speak at the public forum are asked to submit testimony in writing by mail or email on or before Sunday, Feb. 16. The testimony should include the participant's full name, home address, telephone number, e-mail address and organization, if applicable.

Testimony can be submitted to the MCDOT Division of Transit Services, Ride On Public Forum at mcdot.rideonpublicforums@montgomerycountymd.gov. Individuals who have signed up to speak in person must provide a printed copy of their testimony for the record by Monday, Feb. 17. 

Written testimony will carry the same weight as spoken testimony. Comments may be written, faxed or e-mailed on the proposed service changes to the Division of Transit Services by 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28. Send comments to: 

MCDOT Division of Transit Services 
Ride On Public Forum 
101 Monroe Street, 5th Floor 
Rockville, Maryland 20850 
240-777-5800 (phone) 
240-777-5801 (fax) 

Interpreter services, including sign language, will be provided upon request with notice as far in advance as possible but not less than five (5) business days prior to the date of the forum. Large print format is available upon request. All comments will be considered before any changes are finalized. Public feedback and information provided will become a matter of public record.  

Montgomery County Seeking Nominations for Unsung Sports Hero Award

Montgomery County Seeking Nominations for Unsung Sports Hero Award

Do you know an individual or organization who goes above and beyond to increase sports opportunities for underserved communities in Montgomery County?

The Montgomery County Sports Advisory Committee wants to celebrate their good work with the Unsung Sports Hero Award. Nominees can be individuals or groups involved in coaching, officiating, team management, field maintenance, player transportation, training, equipment donations or any other efforts that promote equitable sports participation in the community.

Winners will be honored at the Montgomery County Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Celebration on Sunday, May 4. Nominations are being accepted now through Friday, Feb. 28. For more information and to nominate someone, visit Recreation’s website.

Montgomery Parks Offers an Inspiring Lineup of Special Events to Celebrate Black History Month

Montgomery Parks will offer special events during February to celebrate Black History Month and honor history, culture and community. 
  • Black History Month Family Day at Woodlawn Manor Cultural Park. Saturday, Feb. 8, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Woodlawn Manor Cultural Park, 16501 Norwood Road, Sandy Spring. Families are invited to drop in to enjoy hands-on activities, including compass making, mapping your family tree, sharing what freedom means to you and more. There will be story times at 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Recommended for ages six to 17. Free. No advance registration required.
  • History Hour at Josiah Henson Museum and Park. Thursday, Feb. 20, 6-7 p.m. Josiah Henson Museum, 11401 Old Georgetown Road, North Bethesda. Historian Ralph Buglass presents an illustrated talk on how civil rights attorney Thurgood Marshall delivered an early blow to segregation in Montgomery County. The little-known case is often seen as the first step in Marshall’s drive to have segregated schools outlawed. Recommended for ages 12+. $5 per person. Tickets are available online and onsite. Guests may arrive early and tour the Josiah Henson Museum. Doors open at 5 p.m. Parking is available 1.5 blocks from the museum at Wall Park, 5900 Executive Blvd, North Bethesda.
  • Black History Month Family Day at Josiah Henson Museum and Park. Saturday, Feb. 22, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Josiah Henson Museum, 11401 Old Georgetown Road, North Bethesda. Visit the Josiah Henson Museum and Park for educational, hands-on activities that demonstrate what a child’s life was like in Dawn, the settlement Rev. Josiah Henson created after self-emancipating to Canada via the Underground Railroad. Henson was a lifelong fighter for freedom and education. All ages. Free with paid admission to the museum. $5 for adults. $4 for children and seniors. Tickets are available for purchase onsite. Parking is available 1.5 blocks away from the museum at Wall Park, 5900 Executive Blvd., North Bethesda.
  • Oakley Cabin African American Museum and Park. 3610 Brookeville Road, Olney. The park is open daily from sunrise to sunset.

Free Tax Help Available for Eligible Montgomery County Residents

Montgomery County residents with combined household incomes of $67,000 or less can receive free tax preparation services through the Community Action Agency’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Virtual and in-person appointments are available now through April 10. In-person appointments are offered at several locations, including the Community Action Agency in Rockville, Casey Community Center in Gaithersburg and WorkSource Montgomery in Wheaton. All VITA programs serve residents filing with an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) and Community Action’s VITA program assists with ITIN applications on Wednesdays.

VITA helps connect residents with valuable tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit, potentially boosting your refund by thousands of dollars. To schedule an appointment, call 240-777-1123 or visit the CASHBACK website. Don’t wait—appointments fill up quickly. Download the VITA Partnership flyer, available in English, Spanish, French, Amharic, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese, to learn more about all VITA locations in the County.