Previous "Culinary Traditions" programs in the Silver Spring series have had a focus on the diasporas of Africa, Asian-American Pacific Islanders and Latin American.
To register for the discussion, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsdOitrTgpGNUNf25L_Z95dwZUImch_K7U.
Invited panelists to the Dec. 15 discussion include:
- Stacy Brooks, blues artist (Germany)
- Lynn Cheryan, creative director (Italy)
- Chef Pascal Couvreur, chef (Belgium)
- Josh Dreeben, comic (Ashkenazi Jewish Heritage, Eastern Europe)
- SenNur "Shenny" Fahrali, realtor (Turkey)
- Maya Hall, caterer, Georgian Feast (Georgia)
- Rita Kranidis, English professor, Montgomery College (Greece)
- Betsy Platt, arts administrator/choral member of Niavi & Slaveya (Caucuses)
- Esteban Salgado, wine importer, Tradewinds Specialty Imports (Basque/San Sebastian, Spain
- Jurg Siegenthaler, professor of Sociology, American University (Switzerland)
- Maya Teitelbaum, horticulturalist (Switzerland)
- Beth Yohannes, owner of Slice Cafe (England)
- Anka Zaremba, teaching artist (Poland)
Ms. Lite is a retired Montgomery County Public Schools math and ESOL teacher. She is an avid traveler and will share her incredible story visiting Svalbard, also known as Spitsbergen, or Spitzbergen, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean.