Current and potential future owners of electric vehicles generally have many questions as the mobile technology evolves. In the latest episode of the What’s Happening MoCo podcast, host Derrick Kenny learns about electric cars, benefits to owners and an incentive program that will involve Montgomery County to make electric vehicle ownership easier.
The new episode is now available. The podcast is available via popular podcast platforms including Apple podcasts at https://bit.ly/whats-happening-moco, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Google podcasts and others https://whatshappeningmoco.buzzsprout.com/share.
The episode’s guests include Brian Booher, senior planning specialist—zero emissions vehicles for the County Department of Environmental Protection.
“Over the last year, 12 percent all the newly registered vehicles [in the County] are electric, and we are expecting that number to increase over the next few years,” said Mr. Booher.
Mr. Booher said that, when it comes to operating an electric vehicle, most things are the same except for “refueling.” Electric cars do not refuel—they charge.
Atiq Panjshiri, the right-of-way plan review manager, and Linda Kobylski, the land development division chief, of the County Department of Permitting Services (DPS) also are part of the podcast. They talk about EV charging options and raise awareness of a program that makes it easier for residents to charge at home.
The DPS program on EV charging stations allows residents that do not have the space on their property to install a charging station to create a station in the public right-of-way in some circumstances. For more info about the program, listen to the episode or visit https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/DPS/Process/rci/residential-EV-charging.html.
The on-demand video of this episode can be viewed via the What’s Happening MoCo Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/WhatsHappeningMoCoPodcast.
In past episodes, What’s Happening MoCo has featured guests on a wide variety of subjects. The guests have included elected officials, Montgomery employees who specialize in specific aspects of government, business leaders and entertainers who live in the County. New podcasts are released twice a month. The What’s Happening MoCo podcast is a product of the County’s Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions.
Residents interested in asking a question or suggesting a topic to be addressed in a future episode are encouraged to engage via the Facebook page or via e-mail at derrick.kenny@montgomerycountymd.gov.
What’s Happening MoCo podcast episode archives can be accessed by visiting the podcast’s webpage at https://montgomerycountymd.gov/CCM/whats-happening-moco-podcast.html.