A clinic scheduled for Saturday, May 18, was postponed due to weather and rescheduled for May 25.
Participants can take a test ride, learn safety tips and get information on basic scooter laws.
Participants must have a valid driver’s license or ID. No registration is required to attend. Residents can stop in any time during the two-hour clinic. Electric scooters will be provided at each site.
The schedule of training clinics:
- Saturday, May 25. 1-3 p.m. Montgomery College. 850 Hungerford Dr., Rockville. (Parking Lot 13). (Rescheduled after May 18 clinic was postponed).
- Saturday, June 23. Noon-2 p.m. Wheaton Ice Arena Parking Lot. 11717 Orebaugh Dr., Wheaton. (Rain date: June 30).