Montgomery County will hold an open house for job seekers age 18-and-over from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5, in the County’s Executive Office Building lobby-level auditorium. The County is searching for candidates to fill more than 475 full-time and part-time jobs across a wide variety of fields.
The Executive Office Building is located at 101 Monroe St. in Rockville. The building is a one-block walk from the Rockville Metrorail Station. Pre-registration is not required to attend the job fair.
County staff will be available throughout the day to meet one-on-one with job seekers. The event will offer a convenient way to explore a potential career in local government, discuss current job openings in the County and learn how to apply for a position.
The County has many available career paths in public service including in the fields of:
- Health and social services
- Management/administrative
- Transportation/bus drivers/truck drivers
- Information technology
- Public safety
To view available positions, visit the County’s career website in advance of the event at www.work4mcg.com.