Montgomery County Recreation will host the third annual “Project Prom Dress” giveaway from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, April 13, at the Marilyn J. Praisner Community Recreation Center in Burtonsville. Any high school student with their school I.D. can shop, try-on and receive a free dress or suit and shoes and accessories during the event. The items were donated by community members earlier this year.
The Marilyn J. Praisner Community Recreation Center is located at 14906 Old Columbia Pike in Burtonsville.
Project Prom Dress seeks to eliminate the financial obstacle of attending prom, which for many students, turns out to be one of the most memorable days of high school.
Recent garments that were cleaned were collected for distribution to this year’s students.
More than 160 students attended the event in 2023. View photos from last year’s event through Montgomery County Recreation’s Flickr album.