August 7, 2024

Open House for County Career Job Seekers to be Held in Rockville on Wednesday, Aug. 14

Montgomery County will hold an open house for County Government job seekers from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 14, in the County Executive Office Building’s lobby-level auditorium in Rockville. Attendees must be 18 or over.

The Executive Office Building is located at 101 Monroe St. in Rockville. The building is a two-block walk from the Rockville Metro Station on the Red Line. Public parking is available nearby.

County staff will be available throughout the day to discuss job opportunities, career paths, how to apply for current positions and benefits available to County employees.

The County has career path opportunities in many areas including:
  • Health and social services
  • Management/administrative
  • Transportation/bus driver/truck driver
  • Information technology
  • Public safety
Pre-registration is not required to attend the career fair. Bilingual Spanish-speaking recruiters will be available.

To view available positions in advance of the event, visit the County’s website. The website has helpful resources for job seekers.