December 2, 2016

WorkSource Montgomery to Help Better Prepare Workers for Careers in Information Technology and Cybersecurity

WorkSource Montgomery, Inc., the workforce development resource for Montgomery County businesses and career seekers, is partnering with Montgomery College on a $5.6 million America’s Promise grant. The grant will provide Information Technology and cybersecurity training for students to ensure Montgomery County is better equipped to meet local business needs.

The U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training funded the grant. According to a 2015 report by Montgomery College, nearly 20,000 jobs in cybersecurity in Maryland go unfilled due to a lack of qualified workers.

For its part, WorkSource Montgomery will conduct outreach to local companies to inform them about this specialized training and determine the specific skills that businesses need the most. In addition, the local workforce organization will actively promote the training to potential employees and connect employers with qualified applicants.