December 18, 2017

Stay Safe this Holiday Season and Throughout the New Year

The holiday season is in full swing and while there are types of crimes that unfortunately are related to it, many of the safety tips provided this time of year apply to the entire winter season and beyond.

It is always important to Be Seen, Be Alert, and Be Responsible.

Be Seen: If you are buying a new winter coat, consider purchasing a light-colored one, or at the very least, wear a white scarf and white gloves. Look for athletic clothing with reflective patches and check out what is available at running stores that increases visibility. Don’t assume that just because you can see a vehicle, that the driver can see you.

Be Alert: Give full attention when walking or driving. Remember, Maryland is a Hands-Free state, no texting or even holding a cell phone while driving. Distracted driving continues to be a leading cause of collisions. And, when walking by a roadway or crossing streets don’t wear ear buds and don’t be looking down at a cell phone.

Be Responsible: Don’t drink and drive and don’t host a party for teens that includes alcohol. The most responsible party hosts ensure that no guest drives after drinking and enforces a zero tolerance for alcohol use by guests under age 21.

Read more about Safety Tips.