March 27, 2019
Transition Team Report
The transition team of Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich focused on developing the “first drafts” of strategic plans to guide the administration in focusing on seven specific Priority Outcomes and Key Indicators reflecting the goals championed during his campaign.
Elrich believes the best policies are both data-driven and compassionate, and that County government must be transparent and accountable to residents.
For full report, visit
Police Chief Survey
Take Online Survey
County Launches 24/7 Homeless Information Line
The County’s Department of Health and Human Services, in partnership with EveryMind, has launched a 24/7 Homeless Information Line, with trained specialists to provide information on County homeless services and shelter resources.
Callers may also use the information line to provide the location of individuals in the community experiencing homelessness. The report will be forwarded to community outreach partners who will attempt to locate the person to offer support and resources. The information line number is 240-907-2688.
More information about the new line and the County’s service for the homeless is available here.
Faith-based Community Security Grants
Montgomery County will award $200,000 to support the security needs of the faith-based community. The funds, administered by Montgomery County’s Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will support faith-based institutions which have experienced or are at high risk of experiencing hate crimes.
More information on the security grant and grant recipients is available here.
Join the 2020 Census Team!
The United States Census Bureau is recruiting staff for Census 2020. The Census Bureau will hire approximately 600 Census Takers in Montgomery County. Temporary jobs include census takers, recruiting assistants, office staff and supervisory staff.
For more information, or to apply, visit the website or call 1-855-JOB-2020.
Earth Month Activities Are Happening Countywide in April
Green events of all types are happening throughout April as Montgomery County celebrates Earth Month. From the County’s Energy Summit to organic lawn care workshops to film festivals, and stream cleanups, there are plenty of ways to celebrate and take care of our earth.
The month will culminate with Montgomery County GreenFest scheduled from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 28 at Brookside Gardens located at 1800 Glenallan Ave. in Wheaton. The free event has many fun activities for the whole family from kid’s tree climbing to music and exhibitors. Visitors can walk the trails and enjoy the gardens.
For a list of all the Earth Month activities, visit the My Green Montgomery. More information is available here.
Choose Respect Montgomery Healthy Teen Dating Conference
Sadly, one in three teens falls victim to dating abuse. The Domestic Violence Coordinating Council of Montgomery County invites students in grades 6 through 12, parents, educators and youth service providers to a free conference to learn more about the signs of dating violence, how to help a friend and available County resources.
The free event will be held from 12:30 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 7 at Richard Montgomery High School located at 250 Richard Montgomery Drive in Rockville.
Workshops are offered in Spanish and English. Students are eligible to earn Student-Service-Learning hours.
Registration and conference information is available here.
The free event will be held from 12:30 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 7 at Richard Montgomery High School located at 250 Richard Montgomery Drive in Rockville.
Workshops are offered in Spanish and English. Students are eligible to earn Student-Service-Learning hours.
Registration and conference information is available here.
Montgomery County Recreation is Hiring
Do you have a passion for recreation? Then Montgomery County Recreation (MCR) has a job for you.
MCR is hiring camp staff to lead a variety of activities over the summer months. These positions are perfect for teachers, paraeducators and recent college graduates. Call 240-777-6870 to learn more.
Contractual employees are needed to instruct professional quality classes for all ages. Interested applicants can get more information by calling 240-777-6840 or sending a resume to:
- Montgomery County Recreation contracts
- 4010 Randolph Road
- Silver Spring, Maryland, 20902
Improving Business Services
Workshops in the Upcounty Regional Services Center kicked off this month in Germantown. The first sessions focused on strategic planning and marketing for small businesses. Workshops are continuing at the Upcounty location as part of this important initiative to proactively interact with, and reach out to, local businesses and entrepreneurs for assistance needed to grow and expand jobs.
How to Design and Manage a Business Website
April 2, 10 a.m. to noon
Upcounty Regional Services Center, Room B
12900 Middlebrook Road
Nuts & Bolts of Starting a Business
April 9, 1:30 to 4 p.m.
Germantown Library
19840 Century Blvd.
For more information about these workshops, visit the Montgomery County Business Portal.
How to Design and Manage a Business Website
April 2, 10 a.m. to noon
Upcounty Regional Services Center, Room B
12900 Middlebrook Road
Nuts & Bolts of Starting a Business
April 9, 1:30 to 4 p.m.
Germantown Library
19840 Century Blvd.
For more information about these workshops, visit the Montgomery County Business Portal.
Residents Can Learn About Proposed Alternatives for I-495 and I-270
The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the State Highway Administration (SHA) will hold three public workshops in Montgomery County for residents to can learn more about the proposed alternatives for I-495 and I-270
Each workshop includes two identical presentations at which the SHA team will guide attendees through the displays, handouts and interactive and hard copy maps. The workshops also will provide an overview of where the proposed projects currently stand. The one-hour presentation and workshop sessions in Montgomery County will be offered as follows:
- Pyle Middle School, 6311 Wilson Lane, Bethesda Saturday, April 13 at 10 and 11 a.m.,
- Eastern Middle School, 300 University Boulevard East, Silver Spring Wednesday, April 24 at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.,
- Thomas Wootton High School, 2100 Wootton Parkway, Rockville Thursday, April 25 at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.
Re-entering the Workforce? Attend Comeback Careers Seminars
Comeback Careers: Re-entering the Workforce is a five-part series presented by human resource professionals on topics such as crafting the perfect resume; networking tips; creating your own elevator pitch; interview best practices; dressing for the workforce and wage negotiation. Participants can choose to attend one or more seminars. Register to attend these free Comeback Careers seminars
Sessions will be held in Meeting Room #1 of the Silver Spring Library located at 900 Wayne Ave. on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in April.
- April 2: Resume Workshop
- April 9: Networking Tips & Elevator Pitches
- April 16: Interview Best Practices & Dressing for the Workforce
- April 23: Wage Negotiation
- April 30: Wrap Up Session
March 15, 2019
Elrich Budget Seeks Sustainability, Invests in Early Childhood Education
County Executive Marc Elrich released his recommended Fiscal Year 2020 Operating Budget of $5.723 billion in all funds on March 15. The budget is designed to begin delivering on the promises Elrich made to County residents during his campaign for County Executive.
The budget increases County spending on the Montgomery County Public Schools system by $51.1 million and holds property taxes at the Charter Limit by reducing the tax rate by two-tenths of one cent per $100 assessed valuation.
Elrich Marks First 100 Days in Office as Montgomery County Executive
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich is focused on his vision for a more equitable and inclusive Montgomery County as he marks his first 100 days in office.
Some of the accomplishments of the first 100 days of the Elrich Administration include:
- Unveiling an Early Care and Education Initiative with a goal to add 600 new child care seats in its first year.
- Within weeks of taking office, launching a housing code enforcement campaign to protect tenant rights and address troubled properties, including a 100 percent inspection of The Enclave Rigorous inspections of rental units are critical to safe, affordable housing as is ensuring the violations are fixed in a timely manner. Check out the new, interactive housing code website about inspections, tenant rights and the Troubled Property List.
- Releasing a recommended FY20 Capital Budget and Amendments to the FY19-24 Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The budget recommends $1.775 billion in Montgomery County Public Schools funding to build 625 new classrooms in 26 new additions, three new schools, and one reopened school – despite funding challenges. The total Amended FY19-24 CIP is $4.3 billion.
- Hiring new department directors for the departments of Environmental Protection, Recreation, and the Offices of Community Partnerships, Management and Budget, and Procurement.
- Hiring a new Chief Administrative Officer and three new Assistant Chief Administrative Officers.
- Scheduling eight Listening Sessions and five Budget Forums to ensure the needs of the people who live, work, and play in the County are heard and met.
- Unveiling “Balancing Act” - a new, online tool designed to increase public engagement during the budget process.
- Launching a new Department of Permitting Services website, that provides clear, easy, and quick access to information and online services. The new design provides quicker access for a range of services from applying for permits to tracking construction activities.
- Making numerous trips to Annapolis to push legislative initiatives on subjects such as improving our school funding and protecting the environment.
- Participating in land use and zoning discussions at the County Council, including the Veirs Mill Corridor Plan and ZTA 19-01.
- Touring various businesses in the County with the president of the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation, learning more about what is and isn’t working for them.
Montgomery County Commission for Women’s 2019 Girl Power Contest
This year the Montgomery County Commission for Women’s 2019 Girl Power Contest is faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a locomotive. The 2019 theme is “If you had a superpower, how would you use that power to help girls and women?”
All residents are welcome to participate in the contest hosted in recognition of Women’s History Month.
Submissions may be a short story, poem, drawing, or anything else. The more creative, the better. Entries will be accepted through midnight on March 30. Winners will be announced by April 30.
Visit the Montgomery County Commission for Women’s website for more information.
Older Adults from the County’s Diverse Racial, Ethnic, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Communities Invited to Participate in Commission on Aging Forum
The Montgomery County Commission on Aging will hold a public forum to hear from older adults in the County’s diverse racial, ethnic, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning communities.
The event aims to increase awareness about the challenges faced by older adults who identify with various communities. Following a panel discussion, participants will hear from local experts and share questions and views about living and aging well in Montgomery County.
The meeting will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, in the Silver Spring Civic Building located at Veterans Plaza.
More information is available here.
Concerts and Music Documentaries Now Available to Montgomery County Public Libraries Cardholders
Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) now offers full-length concerts and music documentaries through Stingray Qello from RB Digital, a division of Recorded Books. Stingray Qello, the world’s largest collection of concert films and music documentaries, allows MCPL cardholders to stream more than 1,500 amazing live moments on most digital devices.
Qello spans more than 30 music genres and features artists from the 1920s to modern times. These selections include Celine Dion, Beyoncé, Pavarotti, Lady Gaga, the Eagles, Carrie Underwood, Nirvana and many more.
The collection guarantees officially licensed content from the artists' production companies and studios.
Qello spans more than 30 music genres and features artists from the 1920s to modern times. These selections include Celine Dion, Beyoncé, Pavarotti, Lady Gaga, the Eagles, Carrie Underwood, Nirvana and many more.
The collection guarantees officially licensed content from the artists' production companies and studios.
Business Training in Germantown
County Executive Marc Elrich is committed to improving services to the business community throughout the County. One first step is to offer business training workshops in County facilities in Germantown.
Montgomery County has several partners organizations that offer training and counseling to new and growing businesses and this is an effort to ensure that businesses have access to these valuable services.
Registration is now underway for the following classes:
Strategic Planning and Marketing
March 20
10 a.m. to noon
1 to 3 p.m.
Upcounty Regional Services Center
12900 Middlebrook Road
Room B
Germantown, MD
Developing a Loan Package for a Lender
March 28
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Upcounty Regional Services Center
12900 Middlebrook Road
Room B
Germantown, MD
Nuts & Bolts of Starting a Business
April 9
1:30 to 4 p.m.
Germantown Library
19840 Century Blvd
Germantown, MD
Visit the Montgomery County Business Portal to register for these upcoming business training classes and more.
Montgomery County has several partners organizations that offer training and counseling to new and growing businesses and this is an effort to ensure that businesses have access to these valuable services.
Registration is now underway for the following classes:
Strategic Planning and Marketing
March 20
10 a.m. to noon
1 to 3 p.m.
Upcounty Regional Services Center
12900 Middlebrook Road
Room B
Germantown, MD
Developing a Loan Package for a Lender
March 28
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Upcounty Regional Services Center
12900 Middlebrook Road
Room B
Germantown, MD
Nuts & Bolts of Starting a Business
April 9
1:30 to 4 p.m.
Germantown Library
19840 Century Blvd
Germantown, MD
Visit the Montgomery County Business Portal to register for these upcoming business training classes and more.
Montgomery County Recreation to Host Strathmore’s Bloom Free Concert Series
Music lovers take note. Tickets are free for the Bloom 2019 Concert Series at the Good Hope Neighborhood Recreation Center, located at 14715 Good Hope Road in Silver Spring. The concerts are part of a unique collaboration and partnership with Montgomery County Recreation and Strathmore.
The concerts are scheduled the second Saturday of each month beginning April 13 through Aug. 10.
The Bloom Concert Series features the following performers:
The concerts are scheduled the second Saturday of each month beginning April 13 through Aug. 10.
The Bloom Concert Series features the following performers:
- · April 13, Chris Urquiaga, 2 p.m.
- · May 11, Piotr Pakhomkin, 2 p.m.
- · June 8, Christie Dashiell, 6 p.m.
- · July 13, Wytold, 6 p.m.
- · Aug. 10, Josanne Francis, 6 p.m.
GreenFest Will Be Held Jointly with Brookside Gardens’ Earth Day Celebration on Sunday, April 28
Montgomery County GreenFest, a free celebration of the environment, will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 28, at Brookside Gardens located at 1800 Glenallan Ave. in Wheaton.
GreenFest, this year, will combine with Brookside Gardens’ annual Earth Day celebration, bringing two festivities to one site. GreenFest features fun for the whole family including entertainment, exhibitors, live music and dance performances, a native plant sale, tree climbing, an electric vehicle display, food trucks, and interactive workshops. It provides an opportunity to share ideas and learn about local environmental initiatives.
More information is available at the GreenFest website.
Playful Spaces for your Pup
Montgomery Parks wants your help to find future dog park locations in Montgomery County.
The Dog Park Site Suitability Study will help guide design and development of future dog parks in high-density areas of the County, and the study will serve as a reference tool for pop-up event planning as well as outline different types of dog facilities. The deadline for participation is April 30.
In other pooch-related news, the Silver Spring Ellsworth Urban Dog Park is temporarily closed for mulch replacement. The work is expected to be completed by the end of March.
For updates and more information, including a list of other dog parks to visit is available here.
Spring into Action Before a Disaster

The County’s Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (OEMHS) has some useful resources that can help you prepare to spring into action should you face severe inclement weather or any other emergency. The Community Preparedness Workbook, which is available in multiple languages is a great beginning tool.
Here are some questions to answer before a disaster, rather than during an event.
- Do you have a place where family and friends will meet after an emergency, so all are accounted for?
- How will you stay in contact with your network if communication is compromised?
- Is your home in a floodplain or located near a dam?
- What are the possible hazards in your area that you should prepare for?
It is important to talk with your family or household members and discuss how to prepare and respond to emergencies that are most likely to happen where you live, learn, work and play. Working together to take the steps to prepare now helps you prepare to act quickly in an emergency.
More preparedness information and resources are available on the OEMHS website.
Eight Montgomery County Organizations Receive Grants Totaling $388,000 for Environmental Projects
Eight Montgomery County environmental organizations have received grants totaling $388,000 for nine overall projects to improve water quality and help manage stormwater runoff in the County. The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection and the Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBT) have awarded the grants—ranging from $20,000 to $80,000—to support neighborhood groups and nonprofit organizations working to protect local waterways.
Established in 2014, the Montgomery County Watershed Restoration and Outreach Grant Program supports projects and programs that improve communities and water quality through public engagement, education and on-the-ground restoration projects. Programs awarded grants can include public outreach and stewardship projects—such as conservation landscape plantings, community outreach and stormwater management practices.
Funding for the projects is made possible through Montgomery County’s water quality protection fund. The CBT, a regional grant-maker specializing in the engagement of nonprofit entities in restoration and outreach work, administers the grants for the County.
More information on the list of organizations that won grants and the supported projects are available here.
Established in 2014, the Montgomery County Watershed Restoration and Outreach Grant Program supports projects and programs that improve communities and water quality through public engagement, education and on-the-ground restoration projects. Programs awarded grants can include public outreach and stewardship projects—such as conservation landscape plantings, community outreach and stormwater management practices.
Funding for the projects is made possible through Montgomery County’s water quality protection fund. The CBT, a regional grant-maker specializing in the engagement of nonprofit entities in restoration and outreach work, administers the grants for the County.
More information on the list of organizations that won grants and the supported projects are available here.
Veterans Affairs Primary Medical Clinic in Gaithersburg Now Fully Operational
The Veterans Affairs Community-Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) for Veterans, Montgomery County’s only clinic for veterans, recently became fully operational and has quickly demonstrated how much it is needed. The clinic has surpassed the milestone of serving its 500th patient and is closing in on surpassing more than 3,500 visits.
The Montgomery County Commission on Veterans Affairs advocated to the D.C. VA Medical Center for many years to open a clinic in the County. The new Gaithersburg clinic located at 15810 Gaither Drive has ample parking and is located near the Shady Grove Metro Station. The County’s Department of Transportation helped support access to the clinic by altering the route of Ride On Bus No. 63 and establishing a stop near the clinic entrance.
The facility, which is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, has many needed services and types of medical equipment on site, but perhaps its most important feature is its available scheduling. Most veterans get appointments within a week and the clinic also accepts some patients as walk-ins. It is estimated that more than 45,000 veterans live in Montgomery County.
More information about the Montgomery veterans’ clinic is available here.
SAVE THE DATE: Student Winners of ‘Keeping It Safe’ Video Contest to be Honored on May 1
The Montgomery County Department of Liquor Control (DLC) will announce the seven student winners of its annual Keeping it Safe (KIS) video contest at a ceremony on Wednesday, May 1, from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at Montgomery County’s Public Safety Headquarters, located at 100 Edison Park Drive in Gaithersburg.
The DLC received 44 submissions from middle and high school groups who created 30-second public service announcements to educate students about the risks of underage drinking. In addition to trophies and award certificates, the winners will receive cash prizes of up to $1,000 for their schools. The winning videos will be distributed at schools, posted on YouTube and shared with several local television channels.
Founded in 1992, KIS is a coalition of County departments, local organizations and concerned residents who work together to deter underage alcohol use and reduce access of alcohol to youth. For more information about the KIS coalition, and to view last year’s winning videos, visit the KIS website.
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