October 16, 2017
Montgomery County to Participate in Drug Enforcement Administration’s Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on October 28
Please save the date: Saturday, October 28 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. for the 14th National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. This is a good opportunity to safely dispose of expired or unused prescription drugs that have accumulated in your medicine cabinet. The biannual event is organized by the Washington Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and is coordinated in our County by the Montgomery County Department of Police (MCPD) and the County’s Department of Health and Human Services.
MCPD and its allied County law enforcement agencies will provide anonymous drop off sites throughout the County. According to the DEA, unused and/or expired medicines that are stored in home medicine cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, abuse...and accidental poisonings and overdoes. A list of all the take-back location sites will be available on both the Montgomery County and MCPD websites later this month.
See the press release for more information.