June 5, 2024

New Episode of ‘Make a Difference’ Broadcast Focuses on How Volunteers Can Help with ‘Girls on the Run’ Program

The Make a Difference broadcast highlights how volunteers can make a difference in the lives of their fellow Montgomery County residents. The newest episode, which can be viewed on County Cable Montgomery and online, looks at the work volunteers are doing with the “Girls on the Run of Montgomery County” program.

Sandy Smith, host of Make A Difference, in this episode talks with Lauren Barbera, the associate program director of Girls on the Run of Montgomery County.

Another broadcast highlight this week is 50+ in Montgomery County. In this episode, host Katie Smith talks with Mario Wawrzusin and Kimberly Johnson from Montgomery County's Department of Health and Human Services about June being "Elder Abuse Awareness Month." They discuss an upcoming event at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 11, at the Holiday Park Senior Center in Wheaton that will focus on World Elder Abuse Awareness Month. More information about the event is available at https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/HHS-Program/ADS/ElderAbuseDay2015/ElderAbuseDay2015.html

This show can be seen online at https://youtu.be/eS-LEmZFNqE. For more information about Senior services in the County, go to https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/senior.

Girls on the Run® is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization designed to enhance participants' social, emotional and physical skills to successfully navigate life experiences. Its fun, interactive lessons meet the unique needs of participants of all abilities and backgrounds. The program seeks to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.
Girls on the Run Montgomery County Maryland is associated with Girls on the Run International.

Make a Difference can be found on County Cable Montgomery (CCM) on TV or on the CCM website at Make a Difference (montgomerycountymd.gov) .

For cable viewers, CCM can be found at Channel 6 on Comcast and RCN (Channel 996 in HD) and Channel 30 on Verizon.

This episode also can be viewed on YouTube at https://youtu.be/2pQ-wkogmBE.

For more information about Girls on the Run, go to https://www.girlsontherunofmoco.org.

For more information about volunteer opportunities in the County, go to http://www.montgomeryserves.org.