September 4, 2024

Third Episode of Alcohol Beverage Services Podcast Series Examines the Control Model for Alcohol Distribution

New Episode of Alcohol Beverage Services Podcast Series Highlights ‘Whiskey Barrel Picks’

Montgomery County Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS) has released the third episode of its podcast series Spirited Discussions: A Podcast by Montgomery County Alcohol Beverage Services. The series helps residents and businesses understand alcohol products, trends and policies in Montgomery County. The third episode, “Control Model for Alcohol Distribution,” examines how and why the County and other jurisdictions include wholesale and retail sales within their systems.

In the podcast, ABS Director Kathie Durbin and National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA) President/CEO Neal Insley join host Jocelyn Rawat to define the control model and its foundations of public health and safety, market fairness and revenue that pours back into communities. Guests discuss how the systems inform the alcohol market with unbiased data, provide for equitable outlet density and contribute to local economic development. The episode also explains why alcohol is not available in County supermarkets.

All states control alcohol through licensing and regulation. In Montgomery County and jurisdictions like it, the government also sells beverage alcohol at the wholesale and/or retail level. It then uses the revenue to pay for programs and infrastructure. Approximately 25 percent of the nation’s population reside within a control jurisdiction for alcohol distribution.

“These systems originated with the repeal of prohibition in 1933, and they continue because of the benefits they bring to their communities,” said Director Durbin. “Significant revenue goes directly into resident services, but beyond that, these systems include a deep dedication to public health and safety, and they create a level playing field which in turn promotes a diverse range of products.”

Founded in 1938, NABCA is the national association representing control systems, which are those jurisdictions that directly control the distribution and sale of beverage alcohol within their borders. NABCA serves its members by providing research, analytics and alcohol regulatory information, and acts as liaison to Federal, State and local governments, research groups, public health associations, the media and other organizations impacting alcohol policy.

The Alcohol Beverage Services podcast is posted on the department’s website at and is available on several podcast platforms including Amazon, Apple and Spotify. Subscribe to the podcast by selecting the “follow” or “plus” button on your provider’s podcast platform.

Listeners are encouraged to email ideas and questions for future episodes to

The Office of Broadband Programs in the County’s Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Services is providing technical support for the ABS podcast.

ABS is the alcohol wholesaler of beer, wine and spirits for Montgomery County and operates 27 retail stores throughout the County. In addition, ABS manages alcohol licensing, enforcement and education for more than 1,000 businesses. Generating more than $35 million in net income annually, its profits are used to pay down County debt with a large portion deposited in the general fund to pay for resident services that otherwise would be funded by County tax dollars. Follow ABS on Facebook and X.