June 12, 2014

Sports Study Shows Total Gross Impact for Soccer Tournaments at SoccerPlex $20 Million+

A study was commissioned in 2012 by the Conference and Visitors Bureau (CVB) of Montgomery County, MD Inc. and the Maryland SoccerPlex to measure the economic activity associated with the SoccerPlex, specifically the 12 major tournaments held annually.

Surveys were conducted at three tournaments at the Maryland SoccerPlex between July and December, 2012. Objectives were to estimate the annual economic contribution of visitors at all 12 major tournaments  to determine the characteristics of visitors.

Highlights from the survey include:
  • Tournament visitors spent close to $13.9 million dollars while in the Montgomery County area on food, lodging, entertainment, local transportation and retail purchases. Tournament organizers spent another $1,476,372 locally. 
  • When considering the multiplier effect, the total gross economic impact of the 12 tournaments alone is $20,396,736. Adding in the facility’s annual operating expenses of $4.5 million, the overall impact is $24,896,736. 
The Sports Economic Impact Study was conducted by researchers at George Washington University.