A free online lecture on “Historic Preservation in Montgomery County” led by author and activist Eileen McGuckian and Montgomery Preservation will be held from 7-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 15. The event will be presented by Silver Spring Town Center, Inc.
The program will examine places worthy of preservation, local experiences and current historic practices in the County.
To access the presentation, go to Meeting Registration - Zoom.

Montgomery Preservation is Montgomery County’s nonprofit historic preservation organization. The group incorporated in 1984 to actively encourage and defend preservation efforts in local communities and throughout the County.
MPI remains dedicated to saving buildings, landscapes and sites for future generations. MPI encourages preservation efforts in every corner of Montgomery County, working with all parties to ensure that towns, owners of historic properties, businesses and volunteer groups can step up to the modernization, revitalization, demographic and development challenges of the 21st Century.
The mission of MPI is to preserve, protect and promote Montgomery County’s rich architectural heritage and historic landscapes. More information on MPI is available at www.montgomerypreservation.org.