Montgomery Parks is conducting an online survey, seeking community input on the renovation of Jesup Blair Park. At 15 acres, Jesup Blair Park is the largest park in Downtown Silver Spring.
Jesup Blair Park is located near the Washington, D.C. line and bordered by Georgia Avenue, CSX/transit railroad tracks, Blair Road and Jessup Blair Drive.
The Jesup Blair Park Survey can be accessed through Oct. 31. It can be found at
Jesup Blair Survey.
The park currently has a playground, soccer field, lighted tennis and basketball courts, picnic areas and the historic Jesup Blair House. Planners are hoping to increase use of the space by developing a “park for all” that appeals to a diverse group of park users with varying interests, abilities and ages.
“We hope as many people as possible take the survey and let us know what they would like to see in this park” said Project Manager and Landscape Architect Matt Weir. “It is a vital open green space for Downtown Silver Spring and adjacent communities. Spending time walking, playing, socializing or simply enjoying the tree shade can be good for physical and mental wellbeing.”
In addition to the online survey, Parks staff will gather input at upcoming in-person events and community meetings. Details on those meetings and the project timeline will be posted on the Jesup Blair project page on Montgomery Parks website.
The park plan also will be guided by the Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan (SSDAC). That sector plan was approved by the Montgomery County Council and the Montgomery Planning Board in 2022. Its goal, in part, is to ensure that development in downtown Silver Spring allows for open spaces to support a healthy community.
The vacant Jesup Blair House sits in the center of the park. The house and the entire park are included in the Montgomery County Master Plan for Historic Preservation. A separate project is underway to find a tenant and renovate the historic house.