The Montgomery County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (DVCC) is urging residents to “Know the Signs” of domestic violence. That is the theme as October will be recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
The Montgomery County Council will present a proclamation on Tuesday, Oct. 3, recognizing Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Throughout October, visitors to the Silver Spring Civic Building at Veterans Plaza will notice a display of several dozen yard signs containing warning signs for those experiencing domestic violence and information about available resources.
People in need of assistance or having concerns for a friend or family member should call the Montgomery County Family Justice Center at 240-773-0444, the Montgomery County Crisis Center at 240-777-4000 or email safe@montgomerycountymd.gov.
More information about Domestic Violence Awareness Month and how to know the signs of domestic violence is available at www.tinyurl.com/mocodvam.
The project is an initiative of the DVCC, whose members include the Montgomery County Office of the Sheriff, the Montgomery County Police Department, the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office, the District Court of Maryland for Montgomery County, the Montgomery County Circuit Court, the Board of Education of Montgomery County Public Schools, the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, the Montgomery County Council, the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, the Montgomery County Commission for Women and the Montgomery County Department of Correction and Rehabilitation.