Public budget forums are held each year to get feedback from residents about their priorities, concerns, issues and questions about the recommended Operating Budget that County Executive Ike Leggett will present in March to the County Council.
The forums for the FY2016 Operating Budget -- all begin at 7 p.m.-- are being held throughout the County during January at the according to the following schedule:
- Tuesday, January 20, Eastern Montgomery Regional Services Center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Rd., Silver Spring
- Thursday, January 22, Mid-County Community Recreation Center, 2004 Queensguard Rd., Silver Spring
- Monday, January 26, Bethesda Chevy Chase Regional Services Center, 4805 Edgemoor La.
Join Montgomery County’s conversation about the FY16 Operating Budget on social media and help raise awareness by using #MontCoFY16budgetforum.