January 29, 2015

Montgomery County’s Independent Transit Authority: What It Is; Why We Need It

Montgomery County is one of the best places in America to earn a living, grow businesses, raise a family and build a better future.

But, great things can always be better. For example, the County needs to become a more walkable and liveable community, which will result in a better quality of life for residents and their families.

That kind of future, however, depends on increased transportation investment to accommodate more residents and encourage job growth within the County.

This is why County Executive Ike Leggett is proposing the formation of an Independent Transit Authority (ITA) in Montgomery County that can: grow jobs and business, foster transit-oriented development and expand transportation choices.

The Authority was recommended by the Executive's Transit Task Force in its report released in May 2012. The Executive highlighted it in his Inaugural address on December 1, 2014.

Among the broad range of supporters of the project are the Coalition for Smarter Growth, The Sierra Club, A Wider Circle, and the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce.

Get the facts. Visit the ITA website.

Watch the public hearing on the ITA on Friday, January 30, at 6 p.m. -- live on County Cable Montgomery; Channel 6 on Comcast and RCN; channel 30 for Verizon.

Read The Washington Post article.

Check out the Coalition for Smarter Growth’s fact sheet.