“Montgomery al Día” (Montgomery Today), celebrated its 200th Episode on Tuesday, April 5 during a live radio transmission.
“Montgomery al Día” is nationally recognized as an innovative and effective program implemented by the Office of Public Information. “Montgomery al Día” airs Tuesday at 2 p.m. on Radio América 1540AM. In addition, the live radio show has a television component which is recorded live-on-tape and is shown on a rotating schedule on County Cable Montgomery.
The show’s focus is to keep the County’s Hispanic community informed about all County programs and services so they can have easier access to register, participate and engage with local government.
In light of its success, the Office of Public Information has expanded the "Montgomery al Día" program with prime daily news, public service announcements and a weekly agenda during the morning show "Calentando la Mañana" (Warming Up the Morning), the longest-running talk radio show, established in 1987.
“Montgomery al Día” is hosted by Lorna Virgilí from the Office of Public Information. View the most recent episode at http://montgomerycountymd.gov/CCM/montgomeryaldia.html