The survey is not scientific, but will help identify concerns residents may have about the vaccine. With a goal of vaccinating 75 to 80 percent of the community, the County will use the feedback to address questions and to better reach communities hit hardest by COVID-19 and have historically been apprehensive about trusting vaccines or medical research.
The County plans to incorporate the information from the survey into its communications efforts to educate the public on the importance of taking the vaccine.
The survey is open through Thursday, Feb. 4, and is on the County’s COVID-19 vaccine website. The survey is anonymous and is available in the top seven spoken languages in the County. It also is available on the County’s Facebook page and Twitter feed.
The survey has 12 multiple choice questions and takes approximately five minutes to complete. In addition to the survey being available online, the survey will be offered to residents at several of the County’s COVID-19 testing sites.