The Montgomery County Commission on Veterans Affairs is honoring many “Fallen Heroes” with County connections dating back to World War I with detailed tributes displayed on a special website created by the commission. The tributes are especially notable as the County prepares to commemorate Memorial Day on Monday, May 31.
The Commission on Veterans Affairs Fallen Heroes website honors veterans who were killed in action in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the Global War on Terrorism (including Operation Iraqi Freedom / Operation Enduring Freedom / Operation Inherent Resolve / Operation Freedom's Sentinel / Operation New Dawn). The website includes photos and military histories of Fallen Heroes who were either originally from the County or who lived in Montgomery after their service.
The site can be viewed at https://tinyurl.com/bfvty9fk.
“It seems that every day we are reminded of how our freedom is so special, and throughout the history of our nation, some special men and women have given their lives to protect that freedom,” said Wayne Miller, a Vietnam veteran who now chairs the County Commission on Veterans Affairs. “The Commission on Veterans Affairs wanted residents of all ages to know more about these people and our Fallen Heroes website is a great way to learn their fascinating and heroic stories.”
County Executive Marc Elrich said residents should take time to recognize the people who sacrificed their lives while serving the nation.
“The COVID-19 health crisis has highlighted for us how precious life is—and how quickly it can end,” said County Executive Elrich. “For many County residents who served in the military, their lives ended while serving our country. The Fallen Heroes website shows how ordinary people, when asked to serve their country, answered that call—and sacrificed their lives for others.”
Anyone who would like to share the story or the story of a friend or family member who should be included in the Fallen Heroes website tribute can e-mail Carly.Clem@montgomerycountymd.gov and provide the following information:
- Servicemember’s name.
- Your name and your relationship to the individual.
- Branch of service and rank.
- Years of service.
- Brief narrative of their service.
Photo(s) (preferably one during service time).
By sending an e-mail with this information, the sender agrees to have the information shared on the County's website and on the Commission on Veterans Affairs social media. Submissions may be edited to conform to Montgomery County Government standards.
To learn more about the Montgomery Commission on Veterans Affairs, go to https://tinyurl.com/yxyfdcoc.