August 4, 2021

Applicants Sought to Serve on Climate, Energy and Air Quality Advisory Committee

County Executive Marc Elrich is seeking applicants to fill five vacancies on the Montgomery County Climate, Energy and Air Quality Advisory Committee. All members must be technically knowledgeable and interested in climate change, energy and air quality. Individuals with professional experience, education and knowledge in these fields are particularly encouraged to apply by Friday, Aug. 6.

All members must be Montgomery County residents. Two incumbents are eligible to apply for reappointment. To apply, complete the online form and provide a cover letter and resume (in one document).

The 15-member committee advises the County Executive and County Council on developing recommendations to promote and implement immediate and long-range policies and programs aimed at meeting the County’s greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. Those programs promote cleaner, more efficient and more reliable energy use and practice in all segments of the community and to meet air quality standards and promote healthy indoor and outdoor air quality.

The committee identifies areas and methods to encourage voluntary participation in climate-related efforts, energy conservation efforts and air quality improvements; identifies and recommends programs, policies and technologies to improve climate and air quality; recommends the development of programs and materials to educate the public and private sectors about the efficient use of energy and its direct benefits for improved air quality and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Members serve three-year terms without compensation. However, they are eligible for reimbursement for travel and dependent care for in-person meetings attended. The committee currently meets virtually by video- and teleconference on the first Wednesday evening of each month. When in-person meetings resume in the future, the committee may meet in Rockville and/or Wheaton.

To learn more about the Committee and review prior meeting minutes, visit

Applicants of diverse, backgrounds, professions, genders, geography, abilities, ethnicities and ages are encouraged to apply. Members of County boards, committees and commissions may not serve on more than one such group at a time. Members must complete training on the Maryland Open Meetings Act and basic parliamentary procedure.

The County Executive’s appointments are subject to confirmation by the County Council. Applications will be forwarded to the Council for confirmation and may be made public as part of the confirmation process.