The 33rd Annual Rockville Science Day on Sunday, April 21, will continue its tradition of mixing the forefront of scientific advancements and historical looks on scientific developments. The free event, noon-5 p.m. at the Rockville campus of Montgomery College, will include demonstrations and the ability to talk with experts in fields including rockets, robotics, astronomy and electric vehicles.
The Rockville campus of Montgomery College is located at 51 Mannakee St. in Rockville. Parking is free. Exhibitors and volunteers are still being sought for the event. Science Day has exhibits that will fascinate all ages.
The 2023 Rockville Science Day was attended by more than 3,500 visitors and featured about 100 exhibitors. More are expected for the 2024 event.
Among the exhibitors for this year’s show will be National Capital Astronomers, NARHAMS Model Rocket Club, NASA, Croyden Creek Nature Center, the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, the National Capital Radio & Television Museum, MoCo Makers, Electric Vehicle Association of Greater Washington, Echoes of Nature, Montgomery Amateur Radio Club, US Pharmacopeia, Chemical Society of Washington, National Human Genome Research Institute, the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, Maryland Science Center, the Button Farm Living History Center, Maryland Bluebird Society, the Robotics Clubs & Teams and Pepco.
After more than three decades of growth and evolution, Rockville Science Day continues to pursue its original missions to:
- Increase science literacy in the general public.
- Encourage young people to develop and maintain their natural interest in science.
- Help people understand the scientific principles underlying environmental concerns, technological development and global systems.
To learn more about Rockville Science Day, go to https://www.rockvillesciencecenter.org/.