Maryland businesses looking to grow through exports can seek customers, suppliers, manufacturers or academic partners in travel that may be supported through a Maryland Department of Commerce ExportMD Grant. The program, which can provide reimbursement for up to $5,000 for eligible expenses, is accepting applications through April 1 for travel in May.
Traditionally, many companies use the grants to offset travel expenses related to international marketing. However, the funds can be applied for other marketing initiatives including website development, registration costs for virtual trade shows and missions.
Montgomery County is organizing a delegation of business, academic and government leaders to travel in May to BIOKorea in Seoul (May 8-10) and to several cities in China the following week. Delegation members will meet with potential business prospects and other potential partners.
To join the group with the potential support of a Maryland Export MD grant, an application for the grant must be submitted by April 1. The application process is multi-day. Companies interested in submission by April 1 should, as soon as possible, email Maryland Department of Commerce Regional Manager for East Asia, Hui-Min Tzeng at hui-min.tzeng@maryland.gov.
For more information regarding the May economic development mission to Korea and China, email BusinessCenter@MontgomeryCounty.Md.gov.