Montgomery Parks is in the early design stage of a new “Action Sports Park” at the Rubini Athletic Complex in Wheaton Regional Park. Two design concepts will be shared at the virtual community meeting from 7-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3. The goal of the Action Sports Park will be to deliver safe, inclusive and engaging action sports experiences that serve a diversity of ages and skill levels from beginner to advanced.
Feedback from the community meeting and an online survey will help further refine the design. The online survey is available now and will close on May 12.
The action amenities currently proposed for the park include a skate park, bike pump track, bike skills course, extreme fitness and bouldering and kids wheeled play areas. The new park will offer more than just thrills. Alongside action amenities, it will feature areas for socializing like spectating terraces and rest spots and environmental enhancements.
“The Action Sports Park, a key project from the Wheaton Regional Park Master Plan, was guided by community feedback and recommendations collected during the Countywide Skate Park Study,” said Matt Weir, project manager and landscape architect.
To join the online meeting via Zoom, go to mocoparks.org/WheatonASPZoom. Registration for the online meeting is optional, but encouraged. Attendees will be updated on future developments in the project. Register by completing this form.
Take the survey about the proposed park at online survey.
To learn more about the Wheaton Regional Action Sports Park, visit the project page.