The Montgomery County Commission on Aging will host a presentation from 1-2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3, at the Silver Spring Senior Center, to provide information on a variety of issues important to older adults and those concerned about older adults. The event is free and advance registration is not required.
The Silver Spring Senior Center is located at 1319 Apple Ave. in Silver Spring and is part of the newly opened Silver Spring Recreation and Aquatic Center. Paid parking is available at Garage 7, located at 8530 Cameron St. Nearby on-street, metered parking also is available.
“The County provides a wide variety of services for older adults and this presentation is a good opportunity to learn more and find out how to receive services,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “I encourage anyone interested to attend this or future presentations.”
Commission on Aging member Virginia Cain will discuss County resources and listen to the concerns of residents. In addition to the planned discussion, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about services and resources. Specific information will be provided, along with contact information for programs.
The Aging and Disability Services Resource Unit is a telephone information and assistance unit to help older adults and their families find resources. It can be reached at 240-777-3000.