The Glenmont Forest Neighbors Civic Association (GFNCA) and Grandview Circle of Opportunities will join with the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Impact Silver Spring and other organizations for the return of the Glenmont Forest Community Block Party from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday, July 10. This year’s event also will celebrate the Glenmont Forest Community Park’s new playground, pavilion and other added amenities.
The new park and pavilion is located at the corner of Randolph Road and Georgia Avenue adjacent to Fire Station No. 18 in Wheaton-Glenmont. There is no charge to attend the block party.
GFNCA block parties celebrate the community’s diversity, local arts and the environment. The annual community block party has not been held the previous two years due to the COVID-19 health crisis. All current health regulations will be observed at this year’s block party.
This year’s party with have three special highlights:
- Creation of the Gathering Tree Public Art project by local artists Sandra Perez-Ramos and Stuart Diekmeyer. The project is funded by a grant from Maryland State Arts Council.
- Dedication of the completed DEP Green Streets project and Clean Water Montgomery campaign launch.
- Announcement of the new grant-funded community gardens with Impact Silver Spring.
For more information and to view the event flyer, contact glenmontforestnca@gmail.com or visit https://gfnca.org.
The event will take place rain or shine.