Launched by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the County’s program is called “Caching the Rain.” Under the program, participants (known as “geocachers”) use Global Positioning System (GPS)-enabled devices, such as smartphones, to locate and find camouflaged (but easily accessible) containers of various shapes and sizes called “geocaches” located on a geotrail. A geotrail is a series of geocaches with a common theme. For example, the Caching the Rain geotrail's theme is stormwater awareness.
Each geocache contains a laminated card with interactive information, activities and trivia questions that educate participants about actions they can adopt to improve the health of our local streams -- from picking up pet waste to installing rain gardens. A pencil and logbook are located in each geocache so participants can log their “find.”
Get started and learn more about the Caching the Rain Geotrail and the program, overall, by visiting the Caching the Rain website. For questions about the local geotrail, e-mail
Get started and learn more about the Caching the Rain Geotrail and the program, overall, by visiting the Caching the Rain website. For questions about the local geotrail, e-mail