The state of emergency order that Governor Larry Hogan implemented due to the COVID-19 health crisis is no longer in effect.
As of Maryland State statistics on Thursday morning, July 1, more than 704,000 Montgomery County residents (67 percent of the overall population) have received at least one COVID-19 vaccination and 638,500 (60.8 percent) is now fully vaccinated. Montgomery County continues to have one of the highest vaccination rates in the nation among counties with populations of 300,000 or more.
According to Governor Hogan, “All emergency mandates and restrictions will be terminated as of July 1. There will no longer be any statewide mask order in effect for any settings, including schools, camps and childcare facilities.” However, local jurisdiction can still establish their own guidelines.
Today also begins a 45-day grace period, according to Governor Hogan, “where certain regulations will continue to be relaxed to complete the administrative transition out of the pandemic. This includes such provisions as renewing driver’s licenses, winding down emergency health operations and the moratorium on evictions related to COVID-19.”
Despite the progress in residents receiving vaccines, County Health Officer Travis Gayles urges that all residents take precautions in certain circumstances, especially with COVID-19 variants known to be present.
“The following recommendations are put forward for businesses and entities to consider,” Dr. Gayles wrote this week. “Further action may be taken by the Montgomery County Council, sitting as the Board of Health, and all businesses and entities to retain the right to require face coverings and other public health provisions at their discretion.”
Dr. Gayles has offered the following recommendations for the immediate period regarding safety measures to avoid COVID-19:
Unvaccinated individuals should continue to wear face coverings when interacting with others in public spaces.
Continued usage of face coverings on public transit aligned with Federal government guidelines, and until such guidelines are rescinded.
Given the lack of availability for residents under 12 to get the vaccine, and consistent with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the recommendation is for continuing face coverings for children and staff in schools, childcare programs and camps, including school settings and childcare settings.
The updated guidelines recommend wearing face coverings:
Indoors when an unvaccinated individual will be with those from outside their household (physical distancing also should be maintained).
Outdoors when an unvaccinated individual is in large group settings (physical distancing also should be maintained).
During indoor and outdoor sports that require close contact, with some exceptions.
In congregate settings, such as correctional and detention facilities, and homeless shelters.
In healthcare-related settings.
Federal guidelines continue to require face coverings when traveling by public transportation. The regulation covers County Ride On buses, Ride On extra, Flash, Metrobus, Metrorail and when taking taxis or on-demand car services.
The Montgomery County Government will observe the following schedule changes for the Independence Day holiday weekend, which will be observed on Sunday-Monday, July 4-5:
County offices – Closed.
State offices and courts – Closed.
Libraries – Closed.
Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS) – Retail stores will be open regular hours: Sunday, July 4, noon-5 p.m. (except Poolesville store, which is closed on Sundays); Monday, July 5, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. (Poolesville store will be open noon-7 p.m.).
Ride On and Flash Bus Service - Operate on regular Sunday schedule July 4 and on a Saturday schedule July 5. For a specific route number click here.
Parking at public garages, lots and curbside meters - Free July 5.
Metrorail and Metrobus information is available here.
MARC Train and Commuter Bus information is available here.
County-provided refuse/recycling pickup—Trash and recycling will be collected by County-operated service on Monday, July 5, and continue on its regular schedule throughout the week.
The Shady Grove Transfer Station will be closed on Sunday, July 4. It will be open regular hours (7 a.m.-5 p.m.) on Monday, July 5. County Department of Environmental Protection administrative offices at the transfer station will be closed. All operations will remain as normal.
Recreation— Outdoor pools are open noon-7 p.m. Indoor aquatic facilities are open 6 a.m.-6 p.m. All recreation centers, senior centers and administrative offices are closed.
Brookside Gardens. grounds open daily sunrise-sunset, Visitor Center and Gift Shop open daily 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Conservatory open daily 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Open Parkways Schedule: Portions of Sligo Creek Parkway, Beach Drive and Little Falls Parkway will be open to pedestrians and bicyclists for exercise and recreation during the following times:
Friday, July 2. 9 a.m. through Tuesday, July 6, 7 a.m.
Sligo Creek Parkway
Old Carroll Avenue to Piney Branch Road (1.1 miles)
Forest Glen Road to University Boulevard West (1.5 miles)
Beach Drive from Connecticut Avenue to Knowles Avenue (2.7 miles)
Saturday, July 3. 7 a.m. through Tuesday, July 6, 7 a.m.
Little Falls Parkway from River Road to Arlington Road (1 mile)
The following facilities will be closed in observance of Independence Day:
Montgomery Parks Headquarters and Permits Offices (closed July 5).
Montgomery Parks Customer Service Office (closed July 3 and July 5).
The minimum wage will increase in Montgomery County on Thursday, July 1, with the minimum wage going to $15 an hour for businesses with 51 or more employees.
Then-County Council member, and now County Executive, Marc Elrich was the lead sponsor of Bill 28-17 that was signed into law on Nov. 17, 2017, and raises the minimum wage incrementally, each July 1, until it reaches $15 per hour in most circumstances in 2022.
The number of workers employed by the business determines the amount of annual increases.
The County’s minimum wage will rise to $15 for employers with 51 or more employees this year. It will increase to $14 for businesses with 50 or fewer employees. Employers with 10 or fewer employees will be required to pay $13.50 hourly starting this year.
“I was proud to champion the increase in minimum wage when I was a County Councilmember and pleased to see that it has finally reached $15 per hour for large employers,” said County Executive Elrich. “Montgomery County has been at the forefront of minimum wage policies and this increase will not just help those earning minimum wages, but will also increase wages for all hourly workers throughout the County. People who work deserve to earn a decent wage. This will help them earn enough to put a roof over their heads, feed their families and not have to choose between putting food on the table and medical visits. A decent wage is the path to more opportunity and improved equity.”
Effective date
Large employer
Mid-sized employer
Small Employer
July 1, 2021
July 1, 2022
$15 + CPI-W
July 1, 2023
Increased annually by CPI-W
CPI-W = Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers
An employer who provides "home health services" or "home or community-based services" and receives at least 75 percent of gross revenues through State and Federal Medicaid programs can apply to the County Office of Human Rights for designation as an eligible services provider subject to an adjusted implementation schedule. Most employees must be paid at least the Montgomery County minimum wage rate. Employees age 18 and under, working under 20 hours per week, are exempt from this rate. Employees under 18 years must earn at least 85 percent of the State minimum wage rate.
More information about the County’s minimum wage increase is available on this informational notice.
The declining demand for COVID-19 vaccinations will lead to Montgomery County closing its mass vaccination site on the Germantown campus of Montgomery College as of Saturday, July 3. A new vaccination site of more appropriate operation size will open on Tuesday, July 6, at the Upcounty Regional Service Center.
In addition to several popup sites scheduled weekly, the County will offer vaccinations at the Dennis Avenue Health Center in Silver Spring and an additional site will be determined in the coming days. Residents who received their first vaccine dose at the Germantown site can receive their second vaccination dose at the Upcounty Regional Service Center.
“While we have made major progress in vaccinating residents and we are nearing 70 percent of our residents who are fully vaccinated, we want to reach every single eligible person and get them protected,” said Travis Gayles, the County’s health officer.
Vaccinations can be obtained starting July 6 at:
Upcounty Regional Service Center, 12900 Middlebrook Rd., Germantown. Open seven days each week. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Dennis Avenue Health Center, 2000 Dennis Ave., Silver Spring. Open seven days a week. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Appointments are not required at the County-operated clinics but are recommended to save time with registration and consent forms. Visit for information on all vaccination sites operated by Montgomery County Health and Human Services and community-based partners. COVID-19 testing also will be available at the vaccination clinics.
Competitively selected grants ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 will be awarded to Montgomery County nonprofits whose work aligns with the State’s intent to assist community organizations that create and sustain jobs. Nonprofits that serve the larger community with a mission or program focused on economic development and economic recovery are eligible to apply. The Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) will be accepting applications from July 6-16.
In their applications, nonprofits must describe their current or proposed work in support of one of the four identified priorities of minority and women entrepreneurship; STEM education, research and innovation development and small-scale manufacturing.
In addition to the basic grants outlined, the program also will award enhanced funding to two selected local nonprofits. One $100,000 grant and one $50,000 grant will be awarded for programs that best demonstrate a substantive impact on the Montgomery County economy in one or more of the four identified priorities. These two nonprofits will be chosen from the general application pool—a separate application is not required.
MCEDC will be accepting applications beginning Tuesday, July 6. All applications must be submitted to MCEDC no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, July 16. The funds will be distributed to all selected nonprofits by Sept 1 and the nonprofit must make use of the funds no later than Dec. 31.
The applications for the program will not be available until July 6.
An informational webinar about the program will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 7. More information about the webinar can be found at
The Maryland General Assembly, during its 2021 session, enacted the bipartisan RELIEF Act of 2021 and Governor Larry Hogan signed the bill into law. Among its provisions were that the State’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) would receive $20 million in Maryland Recovery Now Funds to support the work of local nonprofits throughout the State.
DHCD is providing proportional funding based on population to Maryland’s local economic development organizations to distribute the grants. Accordingly, $3,475,831 has been allocated to Montgomery County for this program.
Outdoor pools operated by Montgomery County Recreation are open and operating on three-hour sessions. Admission is guaranteed to those with reservations. The possibility of gaining general admission to a session depends on the total number of advanced reservations.
Reservations can be made seven days in advance and up to the hour on the eighth day. Reservations beyond the eighth day to the hour will not be visible.
Outdoor pool sessions are Monday-Thursday at 1-4 p.m. and 5-8 p.m. and Friday-Sunday at noon-3 p.m. and 4-7 p.m.
Outdoor pools are offering late night swimming on Fridays and Saturdays from 8-9:30 p.m.
For more information on passes, hours of operations and instructions for creating reservations can be found at
Indoor pools are open with no reservations required. Indoor pool hours are Monday-Friday from 6 a.m.-10 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 7 a.m.-5 p.m.
Walkup daily pool admission rates for County residents are $7 for adults; $6 for seniors 55 and over and $5 for children 17 and under. Walkup daily admission rates for non-resident guests are $15 per guest.
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is reminding residents that even though many COVID-19 restrictions are easing, Federal guidelines continue to require face coverings when traveling by public transportation. The regulation covers County Ride On buses, Ride On extra, Flash, Metrobus, Metrorail and when taking taxis or on-demand car services.
All MCDOT buses have a supply of face coverings for those who do not have their own.
Most statewide restrictions regarding COVID-19 will end on July 1 and Maryland’s state of emergency will legally lift on Aug. 15. However, Federal guidelines are still in place for public transit through at least Sept. 13.
All Ride On, Ride On extRa and Flash buses will remain free to all passengers through at least September. Fees were suspended during the onset of the pandemic.
Social distancing continues to be strongly recommended on board the buses and trains and at bus stops and shelters. Riders are asked to make their best effort to maintain maximum physical distance between themselves and other riders who are not from the same household.
Bus interiors continue to be cleaned by the County’s Department of General Services twice daily with hospital-grade disinfectant. Bus filter and ventilation systems also are treated each night with a disinfectant.
For the most up-to-date service information, riders should follow @RideOnMCT on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. In addition, information is available at or by subscribing to “Ride On Services” email alerts. Riders also can receive text alerts by texting MONTGOMERY RIDEON to 468311.
The Montgomery County Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) is warning residents about an increase in unlicensed plumbers and gasfitters marketing their services in the County. OCP has investigated numerous complaints resulting in refunds of monies, issuing of citations and settlement agreements. The risk with unlicensed plumbers and gasfitters is that they can cut necessary corners, not perform the repairs correctly and even create dangerous conditions.
OCP has noted a trend where Master plumbers and gasfitters are allowing unlicensed plumbers to use their credentials illegally for a fee. This practice is called “brokering a license.” The unlicensed plumbers use the “borrowed” credentials to market to consumers directly and also use them to register with home service contractors or home warranty providers. Those services then send the unlicensed plumbers into homes to fix serious plumbing issues.
In Montgomery County, plumbers need to be licensed either by the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC license lookup), or by the State’s Department of Labor Licensing and Regulation Board of Plumbing (DLLR license lookup). Most of the County falls under WSSC’s jurisdiction. DLLR has jurisdiction in the cities of Rockville and Poolesville and areas designated W-4/5/6 or S-4/5/6 in the Water and Sewer Plan.
Investigations by OCP has resulted in three citations issued to Gary Russell Jr., owner of G & G Service Group, Inc. (G&G) of Clinton, Md., which was tried by the Office of the County Attorney in District Court. Russell discouraged a consumer from obtaining a permit or inspection, citing higher costs to the consumer. He claimed that he was required to be at the inspection and that this drove up the price. However, the quoted fee for WSSC permits was inflated and his presence at an inspection was not mandatory. While G&G claimed to have a plumbing license, its owner never provided such credentials. Russell did not provide the court with proof of his credentials.
The District Court found Russell of G&G guilty of the three municipal infractions. OCP’s investigation demonstrated that Russell was operating as a plumber without a license, also misrepresenting the costs and attendance requirements of the jurisdictional permit and inspection agency. After an appeal by Russell to Circuit Court, the judgment was upheld. The Circuit Court ordered restitution of $855 to the consumer and issued an Abatement Order stating the plumber and his business had to cease:
Falsely representing to consumers through its website that G&G is lawfully permitted to perform plumbing services and work.
Refrain from a representation that the merchant has a sponsorship, approval, corporation indication, status, affiliation or connection that the merchant does not have.
Cease from all plumbing/gas fitting activities in Montgomery County and desist from advertising that it is able to perform such activities under any business name until the required professional license is attained.
“If a second plumbing company comes to your home to discuss permitting or inspections, or your contractor gives you many reasons why you should not pull a permit or inspection, this is a red flag that you may be dealing with an unlicensed person,” said OCP Director Eric Friedman.
Plumbing and other home service companies can be creative in hiding their “brokered” relationship. Some red flags consumers can look for to determine if they are potentially dealing with an unlicensed contractor:
The contractor tries to dissuade pulling a permit.
The contractor fails to provide a copy of their license.
They bring a company that the consumer has not previously met and says this second company will be pulling the permits.
The license they do provide is connected to a business that was not hired.
They provide the name and license number of a third person and claim to be working under them, but that company was not the one the consumer hired.
What to verify before hiring a contractor:
Do you need a permit? Always check with WSSC or the Department of Permitting Services to see if a permit is required for the project and who should (or should not) obtain the permit.
What level of license is needed to do the job? Plumbing companies can send a “Master” or “Journeyman” plumber/gasfitter alone. An apprentice should never perform work without oversight.
Consumers should request to see the individuals’ license before signing a contract.
Montgomery County’s Department of Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS) will mark its 70th anniversary with three specially designed products that will be available in limited quantities in most of its 26 retail stores starting Friday, July 2. Having a Maryland brewery and a distillery create the products for the celebration continues one of the department’s constant missions to serve customers, with focus on innovation.
ABS is the alcohol wholesaler of beer, wine and spirits. In addition, ABS manages alcohol licensing, enforcement and education for more than 1,000 businesses. It generates more than $30 million in net income annually for the County.
To mark the anniversary, Silver Branch Brewing of Silver Spring created a custom beer for ABS named “Together We Can—70th Anniversary Cold IPA.” Together We Can highlights the expansion of breweries supported by ABS in the County over the past decade.
Old Line Spirits in Baltimore created two custom whiskeys especially for the ABS anniversary. The whiskeys are the “Pat’s Pick, American Single Malt Whiskey Cask Strength Private Barrel” and the “Perennial Pick, American Single Malt Whiskey Cask Strength Private Barrel.”
In 1933, at the end of Prohibition, the Montgomery County Liquor Board was formed to uphold alcohol laws. On July 1, 1951, the County Department of Liquor Control was created. In 2019, the department officially changed its name to Alcohol Beverage Services to showcase its commitment to customer service and highlight the full breadth of products it offers.
“For 70 years, ABS has served Montgomery County well, and over the past few years, has successfully refocused its efforts on improved customer service and efficiency,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “ABS provides the County with millions of dollars in revenues that help fund government operations. I want to congratulate and thank ABS for its service, professionalism and innovation.”
Over seven decades, ABS has serviced thousands of local businesses throughout the County and welcomed millions of shoppers into its retail stores. In 1951, net income was approximately $579,750 for the department’s liquor and beer divisions. In 2020, department net income was $30,816,091, a 50-fold increase.
Over the past 10 years, ABS has generated more than $298 million in net income, with a large portion of the funds deposited in the County’s general fund to pay down debt and for resident services that would otherwise be funded by tax dollars.
“We are honored to be a part of the Montgomery County community and provide much more than a financial benefit,” said ABS Director Kathie Durbin. “We realize ABS is a resource to our customers of all types and we are committed to providing creative solutions and outstanding service while building deeper relationships with all of those that we serve.”
The Montgomery County Animal Services and Adoption Center (MCASAC) operated by the County Office of Animal Services (OAS) will be holding a month-long adoption event from July 1-31 where adoption fees will be waived for all cats and kittens. “Feline Freedom” is sponsored by the nonprofit organization Montgomery County Partners for Animal Well-Being (MCPAW).
The summer months are perfect to welcome a new family member. MCASAC will be launching the event with more than 50 cats and kittens available for adoption. New animals are made available every day.
Patrons can visit the shelter in person to adopt or they can start the process online to reserve a spot to speak to a counselor. All potential adopters should review the Pre-Adoption Checklist prior to visiting or submitting a questionnaire online. Submitting a questionnaire does not reserve an animal. Adoptions are based on a first-come, first-served process.
The center is located at 7315 Muncaster Mill Rd. in Derwood.
Shelter hours of operation are noon-7 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and noon-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The shelter is closed to the public on Wednesdays. Due to the Independence Day holiday, the shelter will be closed to the public on Sunday, July 4, and will reopen on July 5.
The Animal Services and Adoption Center is operated by the Office of Animal Services and provides high-standard sheltering and care to the homeless, abused and neglected animals. It is the County’s only open-admission, municipal shelter. Through adoptions, education, outreach and more, Animal Services officers are on-call seven days a week to investigate complaints and respond to animal emergencies 24 hours a day. For more information, visit
Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) has launched “Brainfuse’s” HelpNow, JobNow and VetNow online services. A library card is needed to access the services.
“We are so excited to be able to offer this array of resources,” said MCPL Director Anita Vassallo. “These are extremely important services that will help provide assistance to countless members of our community.”
HelpNow - A unique tutoring and study suite designed for customers of all ages.
On-Demand One-to-One Online Homework
Comprehensive Writing Assistance
Homework Tools
Online Classroom
LEAP Learning Platform
The Adult Learning Center
JobNow – A suite of services and powerful tools to help users in every step of their job search.
Resume Assistance
Career Planning
Interview Preparation
Adult Learning Center
VetNow- Benefits, career, and academic assistance support for Veterans.
Montgomery Parks has suspended the park directive allowing alcohol consumption without a permit in 13 parks. The suspension, which is effective immediately, is in response to the end of the COVID-19 State of Emergency issued by the State of Maryland. During the state of emergency, the State of Maryland and Montgomery County permitted the delivery and take-out of alcohol by food and beverage establishments.
The directive allowed alcohol consumption within designated areas in 13 parks: Acorn Urban Park, Carroll Knolls Local Park, Ellsworth Urban Park, Elm Street Urban Park, Flower Avenue Urban Park, Germantown Town Center Urban Park, Jesup Blair Urban Park, Norwood Local Park, Olney Manor Recreational Park, Takoma Urban Park, Wall Local Park, Wheaton Local Park and Wheaton Regional Park.
“As we begin to return to normal, we are suspending the pilot program allowing alcohol in the parks,” said Mike Riley, the director of Montgomery Parks. “While the program was in effect, we had no reported alcohol-related incidents or calls for service in our 13 pilot parks and parks patrons enjoyed the ability to eat and drink outdoors with friends and family. We were happy that parks were able to play a role in supporting local businesses and provide a safe outlet for social interaction.”
Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) is offering free online workshops and one-on-one sessions geared toward assisting job seekers and entrepreneurs throughout July. All workshops will be offered virtually.
An internet connection and a device (such as a smartphone, tablet or computer) are required for participation.
Programs available in July will include:
Throughout July, every Monday 9:30-11:30 a.m.: H.I.R.E. (Helping Individuals Reach Employment) Sessions. Sign up to meet virtually and confidentially one-on-one with a career counselor for advice and assistance with job searches. Register at:
Monday, July 12, 1-3 p.m.: Job Search Strategies (in a Pandemic). Learn about best practices for conducting a job search in the current job market. Register at
Wednesday, July 14, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: How to Apply for Jobs with Montgomery County Government. Learn how to apply for jobs with the Montgomery County Government. Register at
Wednesday, July 14, 10-11:30 a.m.: Introducción al espíritu empresarial - Virtual - En asociación con el Maryland Women’s Business Center (MWBC). Convertirse en un emprendedor exitoso requiere un trabajo arduo y una planificación minuciosa. Durante este taller presentaremos los siguientes conceptos: Una evaluación de las características de los empresarios exitosos; Aclararemos algunos de los mitos y realidades de la propiedad de pequeñas empresas; Iniciaremos una autoevaluación para determinar si está preparado para convertirse en propietario de una pequeña empresa; Estableceremos un plan de acción para completar sus autoevaluaciones buscando comentarios de las partes interesadas, como familiares, amigos y clientes potenciales; Descubriremos los servicios proporcionados por el Maryland Women's Business Center que pueden ayudarle a iniciar y hacer crecer su negocio. Register:
Tues/Thurs, July 20 and July 22, 5:45-7:45 p.m.: LinkedIn Boot Camp (Part I / Part II). Two-session/two-day workshop focuses on the mechanics and strategy of using LinkedIn as a tool to conduct a successful job search. Register at
Thursday, July 22, 1-3 p.m.: How to Prepare for Your Virtual Job Interview. Learn how to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Session addresses how to be Zoom ready, package your experience, tell your story, be ready for challenging questions and feel more confident in your next interview. Register at
Tuesday, July 27, 12:30 p.m.: Proctored Northstar Assessment Test—Assess your Digital Literacy Skills. Demonstrate your digital literacy skills by taking a proctored Northstar Assessment test during a scheduled test session. Scoring 85 percent or higher will earn a Northstar Digital Literacy Certificate to share with employers. Tests will be administered and monitored remotely, allowing participants to take the test from home. Request a Learner Account to get started at; Registration is required to take a proctored test. Register at
For more information on Montgomery County Public Libraries’ other virtual programs for all ages, visit its website.
Once again, I start with information about COVID-19 and vaccination rates. Happily, the news continues to be positive. Our COVID numbers remain low and 78 percent of our eligible population—those who are 12 and older—are vaccinated. We continue to bring the vaccine to people all over the County, including at this past Saturday’s Juneteenth celebration at the BlackRock Center for the Arts in Germantown. While we are doing well, we have not forgotten that it is important to vaccinate as many people as possible because, as long as there is transmission, there is the possibility for the virus to mutate. Our worst fear is that one mutation might open a pathway around the vaccines, and we are doing everything we can to stop that—which is why getting everyone vaccinated is so important.
I-270, 495 and the American Legion Bridge
Some of you may have followed recent news about the State’s plan to widen I-270 and install toll lanes that would be developed and operated by a private operator. Last week, the Transportation Planning Board of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments voted to remove from its long range plan the project as currently configured. This removal was supported by jurisdictions around the region because we understand that we need a solution that will reduce congestion and use scarce resources efficiently. The plan, as currently configured, is unnecessarily expensive and impactful.
I support addressing congestion on the Beltway, I-270 and most importantly, on the American Legion Bridge. I also support what has been the County Council’s position for more than a decade that the State address the congestion on I-270 with two reversible lanes. These lanes would run north to south in morning during the horrible rush hour, and then run north in the evening when the heavy congestion shifts northbound. The truth is, that for most of the day, no one would gain anything by paying tolls in non-peak directions. This plan makes maximum use of two lanes and would generate equivalent revenue for building half of the lanes. Additionally, the current plan stops at the ICC, leaving our County without relief north of the ICC and on to Frederick.
We seek a comprehensive solution that is both effective and fiscally responsible. We have suggested that the State seek Federal funding for the American Legion Bridge since it is an aging structure that connects two interstates (I-270 and I-95) and will need major repairs relatively soon. Saddling drivers for the entire cost of this without even trying to get Federal assistance really does not seem to be a fiscally responsible approach. And we need a robust transit network as an integral part of this plan. The current plan does not solve bottlenecks on I-270—it simply moves their locations at great expense. We have a Federal government that has made a clear commitment to infrastructure, and we need to work with them to get the bridge and road capacity we need.
Climate Action
This week I unveiled my Climate Action Plan. This is a big deal. This is the culmination of a tremendous amount of work by an enormous number of community residents and County staff. This plan will guide the County toward its goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2027 and by 100 percent by 2035, compared to 2005 levels. It is the most ambitious and bold plan of any local government in the nation and is designed to increase resiliency in the face of climate hazards.
The plan outlines 86 climate actions built on the work of more than 200 volunteer members of the Climate Technical Workgroups and reflects input from a wide variety of community groups and the general public. I want to thank this group and everyone involved for their efforts and getting us to this milestone.
The unveiling of the plan makes Montgomery County a model for other jurisdictions and provides an opportunity for us to build a healthy, equitable and resilient community for the future. We must take big, bold steps and this plan is filled with initiatives to reach our goals. Collectively, communities across the State of Maryland, the country and the world must address climate action at a scale that is necessary to curb the cataclysmic social, environmental and economic impacts of climate change. Although the action plan will certainly have costs, the costs of doing nothing will be far greater.
If the pandemic had not completely dominated most of the space in the news cycle, the rapidly deteriorating climate and the worsening projections for the negative impacts of climate change at home and around the world would have been the big news. We need to bring the same kind of awareness to fighting climate change as we brought to fighting COVID.
One of the consistent messages we brought to the COVID battle was that the spread of COVID was ultimately and completely controlled by us, particularly during the period of no vaccines. COVID was a people-to-people problem and it was our interactions that made it possible to spread, or impossible. From my youth, I remember a similar theme brought to us by a bear: “Only you can prevent forest fires.” Last year, only we could control the spread of COVID. Now, it is time to face the reality that only WE can end climate change. It will not end without changes in our actions, whether they are individual decisions, business decisions or government decisions. We begin the work now and persevere, and our reward will be leaving a better planet to future generations. Or we can do nothing, hope it goes away and ignore the horrible mess we have made of our planet. For me, the latter is absolutely not an option.
Throughout the summer, and into the early fall, the climate team will host community conversations to present the plan to residents, businesses and property owners. At the same time, we are working on short-term and longer-term actions.
You can read about the list of actions for the coming year here. And you can read the entire plan here.
I urge everyone to get involved and help us to address climate change as a community.
I look forward to working with you on this and other important issues.
As always, thank you for your support and the work you do.
Mirroring national trends, young adults in Montgomery County are the least likely to have received a COVID-19 vaccination.
According to the latest data, residents who are 20-34 have a first-dose vaccination rate of 69 percent. This compares to 90 percent for residents 65 and older. The County has undertaken a media campaign using television, radio and social media to urge residents 18-34 to “Take Control” and get vaccinated. The television spots can be viewed at YouTube.
Maryland statistics as of this morning, Thursday, June 24, show that more than 695,500 Montgomery County residents (66.2 percent of all residents) have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and more than 623,500 residents (59.4 percent) are fully vaccinated. (These numbers do not include Montgomery County residents who have been vaccinated outside of Maryland.) More information is available at
If someone you know is hesitant about getting vaccinated, consider having a conversation with them about the various vaccines and their safety and effectiveness. More information about the vaccine is available at risks and benefits. Everyone over age 12 is now eligible for the vaccine. Vaccinations are available on a walk-up or appointment basis at many County-run clinics. Many local pharmacies are also offering same-day vaccine appointments.
The diminished demand for the vaccine will lead to the County suspending the vaccine site at the Germantown campus of Montgomery College on Friday, July 2. The County will then transition to a more appropriate site for the current demand at the UpCounty Regional Service Center in Germantown beginning on Tuesday, July 6. At that site, the County will continue to offer first doses and the second doses (for those previously vaccinated at Germantown Mass Vaccination Site).
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, current vaccines provide protection against the highly transmissible Delta variant of COVID-19. There have been some cases of this variant detected in Montgomery County.
If bringing someone 12-18 to any clinic to get a vaccine, be sure to check in advance to make sure the Pfizer vaccine is being offered. Parents or guardians can provide consent when making an appointment online. Young people who walk up without an appointment must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Everyone under the age of 18 must bring proof of age to the vaccination site.
For an online record of your COVID-19 vaccination, view your account at Maryland MyIR. MyIR is Maryland's online immunization record system.
People who have had COVID-19 still need to be vaccinated.
The County’s COVID-19 Call Center has reduced hours. It is now open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 240-777-2982 for more information about COVID-19 questions.
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich this week unveiled the Climate Action Plan that will guide the County toward its goals of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80 percent by 2027 and by 100 percent by 2035 compared to 2005 levels. The Montgomery climate plan, which will increase resilience in the face of climate hazards, is one of the most ambitious climate plans in the nation for a local government.
County Executive Elrich outlined the plan, which includes 86 climate actions, at the Marian Fryer Town Plaza across from the new 14-story Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission headquarters building in Wheaton. The building, located at 2425 Reedie Dr., was built by the Montgomery County Government and has received LEED Platinum certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The LEED Platinum certification is the highest level in sustainable design that USGBC awards in objectively measuring a building’s sustainability. The 308,000-square-foot building is the first County Government facility to receive a LEED Platinum rating.
The ceremonies were joined by County Council President Tom Hucker, Assistant Chief Administrative Officer and County Climate Change Coordinator Adriana Hochberg and members of the community including Omotola Fadeyi, Denisse Guitarra, Karen Metchis and Samuel Suraphel.
The actions and technical analyses presented in the plan build upon the work of more than 200 volunteer members of the Climate Technical Workgroups formed by the County Executive, County employees and technical consultants. The plan reflects input from a wide variety of community groups and the general public.
“The urgency of climate change inspires Montgomery County to serve as a model for other jurisdictions,” said County Executive Elrich. “Combatting climate change provides an opportunity to build a healthy, equitable and resilient community. There is no magic wand to accomplish this monumental task. We must take big, bold steps—and many of them. Collectively, communities across the State of Maryland, the country and the world must tackle climate action at the scale that is necessary to curb the cataclysmic social, environmental and economic impacts of climate change.”
The development of the Climate Action Plan was spurred by the County Council’s Emergency Climate Mobilization Resolution in December 2017 that accelerated the County’s communitywide GHG emission reduction goals after they were established in 2007. The resolution recognized the existential threat that climate change poses and called for the County to take a leadership role in strategies to safeguard the planet.
In addition to releasing the Climate Action Plan, County Executive Elrich also released the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Climate Work Plan. The Climate Work Plan describes actions the County plans to make progress on during FY22. The County anticipates action on 75 of 86 recommendations in the Climate Action Plan in FY22.
Throughout the summer and into the early fall, the County’s climate team plans to host community conversations to present the plan to residents, businesses and property owners.
The main elements of the Climate Action Plan include:
Reduce Emissions in the Energy, Buildings and Transportation sectors. The plan recommends actions that include increasing the use of and investment in clean, reliable and affordable energy; implementing code requirements related to energy efficiency, solar installations and net-zero standards and building energy performance standards for existing buildings; expanding public transit service, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and a shared micro-mobility network; and supporting community-wide adoption of electric vehicles.
Center Racial Equity and Social Justice. The plan considers the racial equity and social justice implications of each climate action through the identification of equity-enhancing measures. The plan also assesses impacts on communities most vulnerable to climate hazards.
Address Residual Emissions and Carbon Sequestration. The plan identifies nature-based carbon sequestration actions including retaining, managing and expanding forests, wetlands, grasslands and urban tree canopy. It also seeks to increase carbon in soils through improved agricultural practices.
Reduce Climate Risk. This will be achieved through actions that enhance the resilience of the community and infrastucture assets, including repairing and upgrading stormwater drainage and management systems; updating green streetscape and green infrastructure standards; hardening emergency shelters and installing resilience hubs; and updating floodplain maps.
Identify Ways to Pay for Climate Action. Implementing the actions in the plan calls for commitment from the public and private sectors while leveraging local, State and Federal government resources. It will be critical to mitigate the cost impacts to low-and moderate-income residents in particular to ensure that the most vulnerable residents are not adversely impacted.
Enhance Climate Governance. This will be accomplished through actions that institutionalize climate change considerations within Montgomery County Government processes and decision making; measure and report on progress; and foster creativity, collaboration and innovation to implement climate solutions.
Engage the Community as Partners in Climate Action. Residents will be involved in the implementation of the plan through a climate communications coalition; a Community Justice Academy in which community ambassadors work with neighbors and the County to co-create community-based solutions; and enhanced partnerships with municipalities. The plan increases opportunities for climate change education in the public school system and calls for a statewide coalition of local governments and youth groups focused on advancing ambitious State climate policy.
Montgomery County’s COVID-19 Rent Relief Program is available to provide short-term rental assistance to eligible households that have experienced lost income due to the COVID-19 health crisis, causing them to fall behind on rent. The program is managed by the County's Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), with funding from the Federal Department of Treasury's Emergency Rental Assistance Program.
While funds are available, the program will provide up to $12,000 to eligible households to pay back rent owed and/or pay for up to three months of future rent. For households below 30 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI), additional financial help may be available. Funds awarded will take into account any other local, State or Federal assistance received to pay rent.
To be eligible for the COVID Rent Relief Phase 3 Program, households must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements:
Have experienced a loss of income due to COVID-19.
Gross household income from previous 30 days at or below 50 percent of AMI.
Have been a Montgomery County resident since at least August 2020.
Owe at least $1,000 or more to current landlord.
Residents who do not have Internet access or need other accommodations to complete the application can call MC 311 (240-777-0311) to request assistance.
“Digitization and the Department of Permitting Services” will be the theme from noon-1 p.m. on Friday, June 25, when Montgomery County’s COVID-19 Economic Revitalization and Recovery program continues its series of virtual town hall meetings to keep businesses informed on strategies for doing business as the health crisis continues.
County Executive Marc Elrich initiated the series of town halls held every other Friday to share timely updates on COVID-19 topics of interest with the business community. The town halls give businesses an opportunity to hear directly from County leaders. Jerome Fletcher, the County’s assistant chief administrative officer (ACAO) for economic development, hosts the sessions. He also provides updates on grant programs available to County businesses and offers ideas that can help economic recovery.
During the June 25 town hall, ACAO Fletcher will welcome Mitra Pedoeem, director of the County’s Department of Permitting Services (DPS). Mr. Fletcher and Director Pedoeem will discuss how DPS has embraced digitization and has transitioned many of its forms online.
In addition, ACAO Fletcher will address updates on the County COVID-19 vaccination efforts and economic recovery from the health crisis with Travis Gayles, the County health officer, and Earl Stoddard, the County’s director of Emergency Management.
“Under Director Pedoeem’s transformative leadership, the Department of Permitting Services is on a trajectory that will enhance the customer experience in the permitting process,” said ACAO Fletcher.
The webinar ID is 985 8422 4354. The passcode is 057204. Spanish interpretation is now available.
The town hall will be broadcast on County Cable Montgomery (cable station CCM), which is available on Comcast and RCN (channels 6 and HD996) and Verizon (channel 30). The town hall can be viewed live via County social media at
Sandy Smith, host of the County Cable Montgomery show “Make a Difference,” will discuss her unique journey to joining the program that highlights volunteer opportunities on the latest episode of the “What’s Happening MoCo” podcast. She also shares her experiences working with the show during the COVID-19 health crisis.
The Montgomery County Volunteer Center produces Make a Difference in collaboration with the County’s Office of Public Information. Each month, residents can find a new episode via County Cable Montgomery on Xfinity (channels 6 and HD 996), RCN (channels 6 and HD 1056) and Verizon (channel 30). Residents also can watch the program on-demand via or YouTube at
The new episode is now available.
The on-demand video of the newest episode can be viewed via the What’s Happening MoCo Facebook page at The podcast also can be heard via several popular podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts at, Amazon Music, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts and others.
In past episodes, podcast host Derrick Kenny has talked with guests on a wide variety of subjects. The show’s guests have included elected officials, Montgomery County employees who specialize in specific aspects of government, business leaders and entertainers who live in the County. New podcasts are released twice a month
Residents and others interested in asking a question or suggesting a topic to be addressed in a future episode are encouraged to engage via the Facebook page or via e-mail at
Many of Montgomery County Recreation summer programs, including the popular Summer Fun Centers, have increased their maximum enrollment, opening slots for programs. The number of available slots for numerous programs had filled within the first several days of the opening of registration.
Earlier this year, when the summer program schedules were announced, there were COVID-19 safety guidelines that limited the number of participants. Now that more people are vaccinated, programs can increase their registration numbers.
At the website, residents can search summer camps by activity, date, age, location and cost. Registration also is available by mail, online or limited in-person appointments. For more information about registration, visit the website or call 240-777-6840.
New York Times best-selling author and illustrator Jarrett J. Krosoczka will be the featured guest at 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 26, as Montgomery County Public Libraries continues its “Contemporary Conversations” virtual series. The topic is “A True Story about Growing Up in a Family Grappling with Addiction.”
Contemporary Conversations is a free community forum to talk about cultural and current issues with experienced authors and journalists and to engage in enriching conversations.
Mr. Krosoczka will talk about his young adult graphic memoir Hey, Kiddo, a National Book Award finalist that narrates and illustrates the author’s childhood living with his grandparents while his mother is in and out of rehab. Through the graphic memoir, Mr. Krosoczka described his journey growing up in a family coping with addiction and how his art helped him endure and survive.
June as “Pride Month” will be celebrated by Montgomery Parks and the Moco Pride Center with the free “Summer of Love PRIDE Walk” at Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreational Park in Silver Spring from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.. on Sunday, June 27.
The park is located at 1120 Jackson Rd. in Silver Spring.
The celebration will include family friendly evening walks on the 0.8-mile paved Pride-themed trail that celebrates the LGBTQ+ community of Montgomery County. Along the trail there will be multiple chances to take fun photos at the colorful butterfly field and at other areas.
Participants should bring their own picnic blanket and chairs to enjoy the PRIDE picnic area. DJ Confetti the First will be onsite to provide music and food can be purchased from the Pop Up Poutine & Patisserie food truck and the Kona Ice truck. Participants also can bring their own food and drinks to the PRIDE picnic area.
The event is free, but registration is required through Eventbrite. When registering, be sure to include the total number of guests in the party and provide a contact email for at least one person.
There is plenty of parking onsite.
In addition, a shuttle from the Glenmont Metro Station (Red Line) will be provided by the MoCo Pride Center and will run every 30 minutes. The first pickup from the Glenmont Metro Station will be at 4:30 p.m. and the last return pickup will leave at 8:30 p.m. from Martin Luther King, Jr. Recreational Park. Look for the MoCo Pride Center logo on the shuttle bus.
Guidelines for the event include:
Children under age 15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the entirety of the event.
Dogs are permitted as long as they are leashed, and owners are required to pick up after their dogs and dispose of any waste in trash cans on-site.
Arrive at the Check-In table during your designated start time for the Pride Walk on the trail. This will prevent overcrowding on the trail.
“Environmental Justice” will be the theme at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 30, when the “Eco Evenings with DEP and OMG” series of virtual town halls focused on environmental topics continues with its June event. The town hall style meeting is co-sponsored by the County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and One Montgomery Green (OMG).
The session will focus on engaging diverse communities to understand concerns and solutions related to the environment and environmental health.
Featured speakers for this session will include DEP Director Adam Ortiz, OMG Executive Director Wendy Howard, Abel Olivo from Defensores de la Cuenca and environmental justice advocate Vernice Miller-Travis.
Residents can join the event for free. More information and a link to the event are available at the DEP Facebook Event Page at
After registering, residents will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
“Eco Evenings are a great idea from the Department of Environmental Protection and One Montgomery Green to engage our constituents through thoughtful discussions to improve our environment,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “We are running out of time before climate change impacts become catastrophic. We must have a sense of urgency about saving and protecting our environment. These virtual town halls are a great opportunity to share new ideas and solutions to address the climate challenges we face as a County.”
Montgomery County’s HIV/STI Program, part of the County’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), will host the free “Pride in the Plaza” outdoor LGBTQ+ health and wellness community resource fair from 1-8 p.m. on Sunday, June 27, at Veterans Plaza in Downtown Silver Spring. The event continues the County’s recognition of June as Pride Month and June 27 as National HIV Testing Day,
Health officials will also launch “Do it For Montgomery County,” a comprehensive, inclusive LGBTQ+ sexual health campaign created as part of the County’s Plan to End HIV.
Veterans Plaza is located at 1 Veterans Plaza in Downtown Silver Spring. Free parking is available in the Ellsworth Drive parking garage adjacent to the plaza.
Pride in the Plaza will showcase a diverse cross-section of local nonprofit organizations and artists sharing information about their services for the County’s LGBTQ+ communities. Music, dancing and other interactive activities will take place and free, on-site HIV testing and prevention education will be available throughout the event.
LGBTQ+ communities in the County, particularly the Black and Latinx LGBTQ+ communities, experience disproportionate impact from HIV. In response to community feedback, the County’s Plan to End HIV calls for the expansion of LGBTQ+ health resources and improved HIV and sex education access for LGBTQ+ youth.
Significant increases in HIV testing, treatment and prevention are planned for a 90 percent reduction in new cases by 2030. The Do it For Montgomery County sexual health campaign features a new website; new social media platforms; bus, Metro and digital ads; and includes multicultural, inclusive LGBTQ+ messaging on HIV testing, treatment and prevention.
The County’s HIV/STI program provides free HIV testing, free and low-cost HIV treatment, pre-exposure medication PrEP and STI testing and treatment at the Dennis Avenue Health Center. Call 240-777-1760 to make an appointment or visit for more information.