The Montgomery County Government will observe the following schedule changes for the Veterans Day holiday on Thursday, Nov. 11:
- County offices – Closed.
- State offices and courts – Closed.
- Libraries – Closed.
- County-operated COVID-19 vaccination and testing centers—Will be open regular hours.
- Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS) – All stores open from 10 a.m.-9 p.m.
- Ride On and Ride On extRa – Operate on a holiday schedule.
- Flash – Operates on weekend schedule (Orange Line only).
- Flex – Will be in service.
- MARC Train and Commuter Bus – Information available at https://www.mta.maryland.gov/service-for-veterans-day
- TRiPS Commuter Store at Silver Spring Transit Center—Open 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
- TRiPS Mobile Commuter Store—Closed.
- Metrorail will open at 5 a.m. and close at midnight, with trains operating at reduced frequencies due to the removal of the 7000-series railcars from service.
- Metrobus will operate on a Saturday schedule and MetroAccess customers may make a reservation to travel on the holiday. However, subscription trips will be canceled.
- Metro parking garages and parking lots—Off-peak fares will be in effect and parking will be free.
- Parking at public garages, lots, curbside meters - Free.
- County-collected trash and recycling will not be done on Thursday. Regular Thursday County collections will slide to Friday, Nov. 12, and regular Friday collections will slide to Saturday, Nov. 13.
- The Shady Grove Processing Facility and Transfer Station in Derwood will be open. The County recycling center will be closed.
- Recreation—Aquatic facilities and community recreation centers are open. Senior centers and administrative offices will be closed.
- Montgomery Parks—Visit www.MontgomeryParks.org for complete information. The following facilities will be closed:
- Montgomery Parks headquarters, permits office and customer service office.
- Josiah Henson Museum (grounds remain open sunrise-sunset).
- Brookside Gardens visitor center and conservatory (gardens remain open sunrise-sunset).
- All nature center buildings: Black Hill Nature Programs, Locust Grove Nature Center, Brookside Nature Center, Meadowside Nature Center, Maydale Nature Classroom (grounds at those facilities remain open sunrise-sunset).