The Montgomery County Department of General Services’ Office of Planning and Development (OPD) and Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) are exploring opportunities for the future of the Chevy Chase Library. The library is located at 8005 Connecticut Ave. in Chevy Chase.
One scenario is a full-scale renovation of the existing 16,000-square-foot library. The second scenario might include a newly constructed 20,000-square-foot library achieved through a public-private partnership and a mixed-use project to include residential development to offset the cost of building a replacement library on site. OPD and MCPL are receiving feedback on the two scenarios through an online survey. The survey is available through noon on Monday, Nov. 15.
Information collected will be used to determine the next steps for the library. To learn more about the Chevy Chase Library Building Project and to complete the survey, visit https://montgomerycountymd.gov/dgs/opd/ChevyChaseLibrary.html.