June 1, 2022

‘A Brief Survey of Our Inheritance: Historic Ag Reserve Properties’ Wil Be Featured Online Presentation of Montgomery History on Tuesday, June 7

The history of properties that are now part of the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve will be the focus of an online presentation of Montgomery History at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, June 7. Kenny Sholes of Historic Ag Reserve Properties will lead the presentation.

The rural areas of the County encompass the 93,000-acre Agricultural Reserve. The areas include the larger rural communities of Damascus and Poolesville; small crossroad communities such as Beallsville, Sunshine and Dickerson; and areas with mixed open land and housing.

In 1980, the County Council made one of the most significant land-use decisions in County history by creating what is now called the Agricultural Reserve. Heralded as one of the best examples of land conservation policies in the country, the Agricultural Reserve accounts for about a third of the County’s land resources, according to the Montgomery Planning website.

The fields of what is now the Agricultural Reserve contain an array of impressive historic homes that stand as visual reminders of the area’s past and present.

The Montgomery History presentation will review some of the incredible historic homes in the Medley District area of the Agricultural Reserve. Mr. Sholes, who is from Poolesville, will use the homes as a way to better understand the past generations of people who lived there.

To register to participate in the presentation, go to Webinar Registration - Zoom.